EDITORIAL: Are You Ready for Rocket Raccoon?

*Jeff Lilland is our newest contributor. In this editorial, Jeff talks about Rocket Raccoon and what he hopes to hear Rocket say in the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy film.

Bradley Cooper has officially signed ona s Rocket Raccoon, but will he be able to capture what many of us fans love about Rocket? Better yet, will he get some of the great lines that have been delivered throughout the Guardians of the Galaxy run?

I think most of us are familiar with Bradley Cooper from The Hangover. So we know that he can be funny, and kind of smart-ass. He pulled off the character of Phil almost perfectly. He's a great comedic actor, but he has versatility, showing us he can be great in serious roles like Silver Linings Playbook. So, it shouldn't be a stretch for him to become Rocket Raccoon in the Guardians of the Galaxy movie.

I know I'm extremely excited for a Guardians of the Galaxy movie, and I'm just glad that this great team is getting some much deserved attention. And personally, I'm seriously hoping for some of these lines from Rocket Raccoon to appear in the movie.

5.  “Gee, Rocket Raccoon, I'm so glad you brought that unfeasibly large cannon with you.”
4.  “We need a battle cry.”
3.  “Never doubt a raccoon.”
2.  “Frag Me sideways”
1.  “Blam, Murdered you!”

At this point in production, it's impossible to say what we will see and hear once Guardians of the Galaxy hits the big screen next year. What we have seen so far seems to indicate that James Gunn is making a movie that will attract a wider audience and stay faithful for the fans of the series. With the excitement that the movie has been generating so far, a whole new audience will be introduced to a dynamic team with an already loyal fan base.


  1. Welcome, Jeff. Interesting article. I'm not totally sure about the "murdered you" line. I thought it was ok, myself, but I know, since I run a RR fanclub, that a lot of his longtime fans are not *thrilled* with Bendis using that line and trying to make it Rocket's catchphrase. The rest would be great, also he *has* to use "flark" in numerous different ways. (Another good line, from Conquest, "And that's how we do things in the Raccooniverse!")

  2. I think my biggest problem is that I'm having a hard time hearing those lines with Cooper's voice, as is. There's nothing distinct or different about his voice that makes it stand out, so I'm worried the lines will fall flat. When you look at other suggestions I've seen over and over, David Tennant, Jason Statham, even Steve Buscemi, to name a few, they've all got distinct voices. You know it's them as soon as they speak. I won't argue that Cooper is an amazing actor; Kitchen Confidential will always be one of my favorite shows and added to a long list of shows that died before their time. But is voice acting a strong suit for him? Is he going to have to do an accent to pull it off? I just don't know!

    1. Come to think of it, I'd rather not hear the celebrity when I hear Rocket. David Tennant, Jason Statham and Steve Buscemi might be a little TOO recognizable. It might be good to have someone whose voice gets lost in the character. But then again, I've never been good at picking good casting.

  3. Have you seen/heard Cooper's impersonations of other actors? If not check em out. Theyre pretty spot on. Im not extactic about the casting but I very much doubt he'll be using his 'normal' voice. Im sure theyre are loads of examples of characters that have been voiced by actors that you woudlnt thought have voiced em. And I agree about having a too recognisable voice...... Off topic...Uncle Phil voiced Shredder! Am I the only one to not know that?

    Back on topic...
    and just to add a few Rocket lines....

    "Incoming data:... She's a Nut!"
    "Yeah a good days work. Yours truly saved the day, and the rest didn't embarrass themselves"
    "Did you take a double dose of naive pills today Pete?"

    1. I just found out about Uncle Phil last week! And my entire childhood flashed before my eyes, connections being made where there weren't any before. Blew my mind. Like when I was 13 and I found out "Aunt Barb", my Aunt Jackie's "room mate", wasn't just her "room mate" all those years I was growing up...

      That was probably too much info.

      I WANT Cooper to surprise me. I want to my worries to be totally unfounded. I'll have to look for his impressions. Someone else had said he did them, but couldn't tell me where to look. I'll just have to start digging, I guess. But I agree with you and Cameron, maybe we don't want to hear a 'celebrity' when we hear Rocket, but I do think the voice, no matter who does it, needs to be unique and recognizable AS ROCKET, when you hear it. It can't just be Joe Blow, average white guy voice. Which is how Cooper strikes me. Someone (I can't remember where... maybe that was here?) shared a video of a commercial he narrated and his voice got totally lost in everything else that was going on. The music, the car noises, everything else just over-powered it, and that's all I've had to go on so far. But I'm going to hunt up those impressions right now.

  4. I think this is what you were looking for. I haven't listened to it, yet. I've heard it's good.


  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I have an image of Rocket saying #5 to Jack Flag on my comp.


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