Guardians Giveaway: Annhiliation Conquest: StarLord #1

NOTE: This giveaway has ended. Congratulations to Trace Rossi.
It's that time again, folks. Yes, I'm talking about Guardians Giveaway time. This week, we will be giving away a special comic: Annihilation Conquest: StarLord #1. For those of you who don't know, this is where the team that would eventually become the new "Guardians of the Galaxy" was formed. Want to know how Peter Quill met Rocket Raccoon and Groot? It's all in here. You can expect this issue to be going up in value over the next year.

How can you win it, you ask? All you have to do is drop a comment below and answer the following question:
"What does it take to be a true hero?" 
Make sure to also leave an e-mail address in your comment, so that we may contact you. Winner will be announced next Wednesday morning, September 11th. Good luck to everyone!


  1. I think being a true hero means standing up for what you believe in and helping those who are less fortunate than you.

  2. To always follow your beliefs no matter what happens and help those in need.

  3. I think that being a true hero boils down to not only following your beliefs, but having the RESOLVE to go through with them, even if it means having very hard choices.

  4. Being a true hero means facing adversity head on, no matter how big or small, and doing the right thing, even though it often times isn't the easiest.

  5. A true hero has honour, integrity and respect. They see the injustice and the pain and suffering of the world, and they will do whatever they can to prevent it. They will always put others first and do whatever it takes to help those in need, no matter the cost to themselves. They also have great hair, which is why I ended up becoming a villain. And business cards which they would hand out to people were their hands not too full of guns.

    Montages are a big help, too.

  6. Do the impossible, see the invisible, touch the untouchable, break the unbreakable, and most importantly, row row, fight the power!

  7. To be a true hero means to care more about others than yourself, to find a way to complete the need of the many and the few, do the impossible for all those who need you and always be the better man, to never give up no matter how difficult things get, and above all else to be a good man. In the end we are all heroes to someone.

  8. What makes a true hero is always helping others, always. Putting others circumstances, situation, and welfare ahead of your own, be it friend, enemy, or stranger, in order to help them in their time of need and beyond. Regardless of their level or position in life, those less fortunate and those more fortunate than yourself. Help those in need, even the ones who you may not think are deserving of it. A kind gesture will do more to turn an enemy than hateful words and actions.

  9. What makes a true hero is putting others well being in front of your own. Going out of your way to help those who are in need. Protecting people that can't protect themselves. It doesn't have to be on a grand scale. You don't have to save the world or protect a city. Standing up for someone who is being bullied is an example of being a true hero. Small gestures such as helping someone whose car has broken down can be considered a small heroic act.

  10. being a true hero isn't about doing something crazy or making something better it's about putting other people before you, it's about putting people on a pedestal and helping them out. you could be a hero by helping someone in need get a job you or give someone the money to get out of debt, but not just doing this because you should but doing it because that's what you truly want to that's what makes you a true hero. We consider armed forces heros because they are willing to put their lives on the line for our well being and firemen heros because they risk life and limb to save people, they are heros because they are going above the call of man to help other people without even thinking of their well being

  11. It takes a great looking uniform to be a true hero. You won't be acknowledged as one if you don't.

  12. Everyone on here has pretty much summed it up already. Being a hero comes down to being selfless all the time. Defending the well-being of people and the greater good, big or small. It means embodying justice, protecting honor, and understanding the consequences (good or bad) that might come with doing those things. Two years ago I got back into comics, I downloaded and read all of GotG through the Thanos Imperative and quickly fell in love with my two favorite superheros; Richard Rider and Peter Quill. I won't say anything about the story, but if you have read, then you understand.

    This question is perfect.

    The beautiful thing about heroes is that everything they do is instinct and reaction. They don't try, they just respond and have the initial gut understanding of how to protect what's right.

  13. Being a hero takes integrity and the ability to stick to your guns regardless of the situation.

  14. A true hero...a true hero is someone who has hasn't been conquered by adversities. Someone who has risen up above there own difficulties and taken life by the horns and said, "Bring it on!" They do what needs to be done and do it willingly.
    A true hero also looks great in spandex! That is hero 101 right there. Also having some sort of hero-like power is a must! Whether it be super strength or being able to fly or read minds or be the product of some sort of genetic mutation, even if its just having super intelligence or hero-like character, a true hero has got to have the skills to pay the bills!

  15. Being pure of heart to defend all that is good at all cost.

  16. A true hero is one who stands up even thought they know they might not make it.

  17. Thank God I bought this years ago cgc here I come lol


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