Guardians of the Galaxy (v3) #6 Review

The first seven issues of Brian Michael Bendis' Guardians of the Galaxy run have been very attention-grabbing to say the least. Throughout the series, we've mostly dealt with Star-Lord's origin and his strained relationship with his father, but now, attention seems to have shifted to the after-effects of Age of Ultron. Because of that event, there are "rips" in the space-time continuum, bringing many beings who don't belong, into Marvel-616 universe. Among these is Angela, an assassin angel from the Spawn universe.

Issue six starts out where issue five left off. Peter Quill is speaking to Thanos about the "rips" in the universe. Thankfully this doesn't last long, because it's the weakest part of the issue. There is really no explanation given as to why Quill would go see Thanos. Honestly, I don't understand how he would he even know where to find him. Plus, Thanos goes on and on about how humans are going to destroy the universe and put everyone in danger, when Thanos has attempted to destroy the universe on many occasions. Maybe this was the point of the scene, but it just felt like a cheap way to fit Thanos into the storyline.

"I am everywhere! Deal with it!"

Most of the issue shows the battle between Gamora and Angela, which is quite riveting. Sara Pichelli's artwork here is almost cinematic. The fight was so cool to watch (read?) that I found myself wishing Angela was in the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy film. We still don't know much about Angela once the issue is over, but we do know now just how tough she is.

Without giving too much away, I was thrilled to see the reappearance of Star-Lord's volume two mask and costume (or at least a variation of it) and I thought Bendis knocked it out of the park again with the dialogue. I should also mention that we only have one more issue with Sara Pichelli illustrating and she will be greatly missed. Her art in this series has been phenomenal.

Overall, another solid issue. Just stop cramming Thanos down our throats!

Rating: 3.5/5


  1. Again, agree with the review. It isn't the *best* issue in the series, but it was definitely an entertaining read overall. (I do kinda agree. Thanos can be an interesting character, but he did not really advance the plot of the issue. He doesn't like Earth and wouldn't mind seeing it destroyed. Yeah, that's not exactly a big revelation.)

    1. I thought the plot of the issue was a little boring, but the dialogue and action made up for it. Plus, I know that one issue of a comic doesn't really accomplish much, plot-wise.

    2. Yeah, the dialogue was very good. And the fight, too.

    3. This issue wasn't the best, but after a month of Guardians-starvation, I loved it! haha! Thanos just kinda repeated himself from last year, and then attacked Peter. It was just kind of weird. But that's really my only complaint. I found myself being really critical of the dialogue, going "Would Rocket really say that?" but I never saw any out-of-place characterization like I keep hearing about.

  2. I'm on issue #4 right now so I didn't read the review. I just wanted to say how much I love the site and will be checking it daily!

    1. I was impressed with the site when I first visited. Soon after I was honored with an invitation to contribute. Don't forget to go back and check out some of the past articles, too. Sometimes, the front page fills up within a day. Heh.

  3. Enjoyed this issue, especially the fight scene. The only problem I have with this run is that reading the DnA run spoiled this one for me.

    1. I think this is a common problem with a lot of fans of the DnA run. DnA managed to successfully carry on what Keith Giffen created in the Starlord mini-series, flushing out a great story arc that developed characters while honoring their previous iterations. For whatever reason, the team behind this new arc decided to carry little continuity for fans of the series.

      This run is like the overhyped sequel to a well done film filled with flashy, colorful new things to overcompensate for its lack of substance.

  4. Enjoyed this issue, especially the fight scene. The only problem I have with this run is that reading the DnA run spoiled this one for me.


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