Labor Day Guardians of the Galaxy Crossword Puzzle

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Happy Labor Day to all of our visitors in the States and Happy Monday to everyone else! Here's a Guardians of the Galaxy crossword puzzle we created. Feel free to save the image and print it out. Hope everybody is having a great day!


  1. This is pretty awesome. I think I'll print it out and share it with the kids!

  2. Very well done! Didn't print it out, but did solve it mentally. One of the clues stumped me a bit, but just because of a detail I had forgotten.

  3. A vast multitude of incandescent stars release their lovely shining light within the more than 100 billion dollars galaxy that drift around in the visible Universe. In This summer 2012 astronomers revealed the surprising finding of a galaxy that should not be there--a fully-formed manage galaxy residing in the very early Universe. The invention presents a tempting secret because this manage galaxy already persisted enormous amounts of years before most other manage galaxy had the time to form. crossword answers


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