Two Guardians of the Galaxy Fans Discuss Movie's Plot (Part One)

Hello Galaxians! Last week, fellow contributor Lokein Lyesmith and I discussed what we thought would happen in the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy movie. Although the film has been very secretive and very little information about the plot has been released, we based this on the small amount we did know. The conversation was so great, that I decided to post the transcript of it here, uninterrupted. We are not claiming that everything we say is true. This is just speculation. If you have anything to add to our ideas, drop us a comment at the end of the article.

Check out our thoughts after the jump!

Guardians of the Galaxy Plot (Part One)
A Conversation Between Cameron Logan and Lokein Lyesmith

Cameron Logan: With all the animals James Gunn has been hanging with on Instagram, I think they may have something to do with Rocket Raccoon's origin on Half-World. I wonder if the film will go over his origin.

Lokein Lyesmith: They should at least touch on it, or people might be lost. If they give some kind of explanation, I think it'll help a lot.

Rocket has a very movie-unfriendly origin story.

CL: I have a theory that The Collector will be responsible for Rocket being Rocket in the film.

LL: I like that theory. The more things are tied together, the less loose ends and confusion.

CL: The Collector wants one of every species, so it's only natural that he would capture a raccoon. Also, Adam Warlock is the perfect human, so the rumors of him being in the film in suspended animation make sense.

The Collector Del Toro
LL: That'd be awesome. Like a background piece, like the Infinity Gauntlet was in Thor? Or do you think they'll actually reference him?

CL: I'm not sure. They may just show him. I think each Guardian will have their own villain. Star-Lord/ The Badoon, Gamora/Nebula, Drax/Ronan, Rocket/The Collector. Each one's back story will be tied closely to a different villain. That's just my guess.

LL: You could tie Rocket and Groot together. Collector had them both. Cellmates, kinda thing. Would explain their bond.

CL: Very true, I hadn't thought about that. Kevin Feige said this about Rocket: "Rocket has been genetically and mechanically altered, he’s an experiment from one part of the galaxy." My guess is that The Collector experimented on him. Also, James Gunn said this: "it’s about creating a character that’s a little animal that was taken and experimented on and pulled apart and put back together again and implanted with cybernetics, and he’s half-machine and half-raccoon.”

LL: That would make sense. But how would Rocket get into space? I wanna see a pre-altered Rocket sneak aboard J'son's ship! *laughs*

CL: *laughs* That'd be cool. I was thinking that The Collector has taken trips to Earth, but that would work too. So the first act of the film. How do you think it will start out?

J'son is Star-Lord's father who crash lands on earth and knocks up Meredith Quill.
LL: I think it's gotta start with J'Son crash landing. Maybe even narrated by Peter. "This is how my parents met" kinda thing. Go on into his mother being killed by the Badoon.... and that's where I'm not sure which direction to take it. Because on one hand, he's supposed to become an astronaut, and that's how he gets into space. But I really think that Yondu's crash is how he gets into space.

CL: I think so too. I really hope they don't make Yondu his pappy. *laughs* I'm guessing that Yondu goes back in time to save Peter from being killed since maybe he is the only one that can stop The Badoon. Terminator 2 style.

LL: In the original Star-Lord story, Jason sent his Uncle Gareth to go back for Meredith and Peter. He knew she was pregnant. Gareth never went to earth. Instead, he went to the planet Cinnibar and hired this slave trader to have Peter and his Mom murdered. The Badoon that were hired killed Peter's mom, but left without killing Peter. Just a botched job. Gareth told Jason that Peter's Mom died in childbirth. So! My theory is that instead of sending Gareth, he sends Yondu, some captain or something, loyal to J'Son. But the Badoon find out too. Even if it's Gareth that sends them. Yondu had to race the Badoon to Peter. The Badoon shoot him down and kill Meredith before Yondu can stop them. He kills the Badoon and takes Peter to J'son.

CL: So, let me get this straight. J'Son left, knowing she was pregnant and years later, when Peter is a boy, sends Yondu to get Meredith and Peter. The Badoon show up around the same time and Yondu tries to stop them from killing Meredith but fails. He manages to save Peter however, so he takes Peter into space, but Peter doesn't want to have anything to do with his father since his father left them alone for years. Peter stows away on Yondu's ship and is raised by Yondu.
Yondu = best blue adopted father since Tobias Funke.

LL: Exactly. That's my theory, based on Peter's origin stories and the crash scene photos. After that, I think it will probably pick up from the leaked trailer, with Star-Lord getting caught stealing that orb. Wait. On a second thought. Maybe that comes later. Because Gamora is there with them by that point, right? And she's supposed to start off a bad guy.

CL: I still think they will all meet in prison after Peter tries to steal the orb…and maybe they will band together to break out of prison.

LL: That was my thinking too. But I read somewhere that Gamora was supposed to start on Thanos' crew, and defect to The Guardians. So there has to be some point that Peter runs into Gamora before he steals the orb.

The much-referenced "orb"

CL: I think Gamora will be sent to prison for trying to turn over a new leaf. She'll probably explain it in flashback. Maybe she'll talk about it in prison. There might be a Breakfast Club type scene where they each talk about their pasts. A Breakfast Club dance scene would be great too. *laughs*

LL: Oh, that'd be cool. Okay. So we start off with the theft scene. Peter gets thrown in jail and that's where he meets the rest of them. That'd make for a good scene, when they do run into Thanos' crew. That's when they find out Gamora and Nebula know each other.

CL: True, I have a feeling Gamora's past is a secret until the third act. That’s when they find out she used to be bad. I feel like I'm watching the movie just talking about it. *laughs*

LL: *laughs* I love it! I imagine a small chase scene, they nab the orb and are chased down by guards/henchmen, led by Nebula. They go around a corner, end up at a dead end, turn around and Nebula steps up and calls Gamora by name. They have a small conversation while all the other guardians are scratching their heads going "Wtf?" *laughs*

CL: I'm just wondering who's working with who. Are the Nova Corps working with Ronan?

LL: I kinda get the impression the Nova Corps are caught in between. They're just doing their jobs. Beat cops, basically. So, we're skipping the prison scene, but say Peter somehow gets the Guardians together. Nova Corps have got the orb in lock up. Evidence. Thanos sends his boys (or Nebula?) to fetch it just as the Guardians break out and go after it themselves.

CL: What if Gamora knows what the orb is, since she used to work with Ronan and Thanos? Maybe she knows if Thanos gets ahold of it, it'll be bad news.
"No, Daddy. I will NOT do my homework." -Gamora

LL: Beautiful. She wants it away from Thanos as bad as Peter wants it for himself. That's her motive for joining. But why does Peter want it?

CL: …but then again, she'd have to tell them about her past, which wouldn't be as cool as if she keeps it secret.

LL: She wouldn't necessarily have to divulge that information when she joined. If Peter wants out, he'll take any help.

CL: What if, just what if, the orb is a time travel device? Think about it, if they stay true to Yondu, he is from the future. Maybe somehow Yondu loses his orb, and Peter spends his whole life, trying to find another one to…

LL: To save his Mom?

CL: …to save his Mom. Great minds think alike. *laughs*

LL: Yondu could still be a part of the Spartax army, just from the future, keeping his ties to Peter's family, and the Star-Lord mark on his coat.

CL: Very true. Yondu is older at this point. He has been a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy, went back in time to stop something, but ended up stranded without his orb, so he joined Spartax army to take down The Badoon. That would explain where the name Guardians of the Galaxy comes from. Peter names the team that in memory of Yondu.

LL: So Yondu would already know about J'Son's family getting murdered. He still isn't able to save Meredith, but saves Peter.
Those pesky Badoon!

CL: Plus, before Yondu dies or whatever, he tells Peter about the orb, so Peter can go back in time to save his Mom.

LL: I like this. Even if we're way off base, I like it. Marvel should get us to write the sequel. *laughs*

CL: *laughs* True. We'll team up with James Gunn for the sequel. What if the orb has the time gem in it? Maybe, thats how Yondu goes back in time.

LL: That would connect a gem to the orb, and the orb to Yondu. Perfect.

CL: So…they break out of prison, just as Nebula is sent to get the orb. The Guardians manage to break out, get the orb, containing the time gem, and Yondu's ship appears to pick them up.

LL: They run into Nebula, have their moment with Gamora... maybe that's when the Nova Corps shows up? Both teams have to run for it, GotG gets the orb.

CL: On the ship, they are like “what the crap, Gam?” How did you know that bald chick?

To be continued…

What did you think? Drop us a comment below with your ideas for the movie!


  1. That was a great read. There's talk of the orb maybe being Ship's central command or brain sort of thing. I like your idea better. I hope they use that. Time gem would be epic. Do you think we'll see Richard Ryder?

    1. Glad you enjoyed it! Richard Rider is a big possibility, especially with Nova Corps in the movie. However, I think they'll save him for his own origin movie, and just have the Nova Corps minus RR in Guardians.

  2. Lol @ my name. I don't remember making that my screen name

  3. Now this is the kind of conversation I like! I honestly have no idea how it's gonna play out but I like quite a few of the ideas you have here. It definitely looks like Yondu is gonna be the Obi Wan to Peter's Luke.

    1. Thanks. It was fun. I agree about Yondu being the Obi Wan. Although, he'll definitely be more rough around the edges. :)

  4. You guys should audio record the next conversation

    1. That's a great idea. We will probably do that.

  5. Wow! Great read. Very imaginative. I can see how Yondu is the Obi-Wan in this aspect. Plus the Orb is like Marcellus Wallace's briefcase (EVERYBODY wants it, and yet it's the McGuffin)

    Nebula and Ronan are supposed to have bigger roles. I hope you explain them in the second part of this discussion.

    1. We will cover Nebula and Ronan in the next installment. Thanks for the comment! Glad to hear you liked it.

  6. Excellent! Some good stuff.

    Just one thing though...

    Was it an official source that said the the Guardians first meet during the prison line-up? The leaked Comic Con footage seems to contradict this. The footage shows Nova Corps (Rohmann Dey) discussing the group "they call themselves the Guadians of the Galaxy..." suggesting that the team have already banded together as a group before being caught by Nova Corps.

    So maybe the start of the movie Pete is arrested and put into prison with his fellow Guardians. Nova Corps gives the viewers a brief description of who is who (a nice little introduction to the characters) before they break out. Then maybe we'll get flashbacks to how they meet up narrated by Pete?

    1. I would not be surprised if the prison line-up was shot just for the trailer or for Comic-Con. For me, it would only make sense that they all meet in prison, since they each have their own background and crimes. Not to mention, in the comics, that's where they (sort of) met.

      You may also be right. Maybe Pete gets arrested on purpose to help break his teammates out. Guess we'll have to wait and find out. Thanks for the comment.


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