First off, I'd like to apologize for the huge delay in releasing this update, my fellow Galaxians. I've been struck with a huge ice storm and have been without power for a couple of days. All is well now, however, so it's time for the official announcement!

Vin Diesel is the voice of Groot in the Guardians of the Galaxy movie.

Yes, we've known this for a long time, Vin has talked about this for a long time, but Marvel made the official announcement day before yesterday

I have to say, as soon as I heard Vin was meeting with Marvel for something, I was hoping this is what would come of it. I know he wanted to play Vision and there were/are whispers of him being involved in Inhumans and Black Bolt. But I really felt he'd be a good fit here and could be a big part of bringing Groot to life and helping make him a fan-favorite character of Chewbacca proportions.

What do you guys think? Were you hoping for someone specific that wasn't Vin Diesel to voice Groot? Let your voices be heard in the comments below!


  1. Great choice. If GOTG is likely to make more than $1 billion dollars when it comes out next summer, they'll need popular actors so on the team they have Vin Diesel and Bradley Cooper as the next great Marvel duo.

  2. Hey, Lokein Lyesmith, when the current poll for the GOTG movie titled "Will Thanos fight in the Guardians movie" ends, can you have the next poll be titled "Will Guardians Be Marvel Studios' Next Billion Dollar Hit?" Please reply, Lokein. Thank You. And, Merry Christmas.

    1. That's a great question, Al! I don't have access to the poll, but I will pass the word alone to the boss-man and see what we can do about getting that posted!

  3. As a fan of everything going on hereabouts, I'd like to reiterate this here vid of Vin touring the F&F lot wearing his height adjuster Groot motion capture stilts:


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