Cosmo Tuesday Poll Results: 1/14/14

The poll results are in! The question was 'Will we see the first "official" GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY footage during the Super Bowl?' And the winning answer is...


65% of our visitors are still keeping the faith and think we will see GUARDIANS footage during the Super Bowl, whereas 27% admitted that they have no clue, due to lack of psychic abilities.

Thanks to everyone who took part in the poll!

There have been rumors floating around the internet lately about an animated GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY show being in the works. The show is rumored to be on Disney XD, which tends to market their shows towards a younger audience (understandably). This week, our question for all of you Galaxians out there is...

This week's poll:
'Would you regularly watch an animated GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY show?'


  1. Would I watch a Guardians animated show? Flark yeah!

  2. I would watch it only if it was on the quality of Batman the animated series, batman beyond, and justice league. Most cartoons on TV right now are garbage.

    1. I agree. I hope they don't make it to silly.

  3. I enjoy the Avengers/Spiderman stuff on Disney XD. Animation kind of basic, but the stories are good. Sure I'd watch!


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