Cosmo Tuesday Poll Results: 1/28/14

The poll results are in! The question was 'Are you excited about the GotG/X-Men Crossover event?' And the winning answer is...


Half of our visitors said that they were ecstatic about the ongoing 'Trial of Jean Grey', while 26% were just "a little bit" excited. 24%, on the other hand, couldn't care less about the X-Men crossover.

Thanks to everyone who took part in the poll!

By Armand Rock

With this past week's announcement that there would be no GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY trailer during the 2014 Super Bowl, we are still in the dark about when a trailer will appear. This week, we want to know...

This week's poll:
'When will the GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY trailer premiere?'


  1. I voted Captain America 2 for the trailer. That is being realistic. So far, I've voted with the majority on every poll, but I do hope I am wrong. Mr. Gunn did say he had something awesome planned soon. We know Super Bowl isn't happening, but *maybe* we will still see something sooner than we think.

  2. Hello Cameron, I wouldnt mind getting credit for the Trailer since i made it. I guess its my fault for not including something on it with my name. It seems to have gone around a lot more than i ever expected!

    1. thanks really appreciated! I have learned a valuable lesson which I already knew but did not anyways and that's to always try and include something in an image I create ;)


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