Flarkin' Awesome! 006

Cosmic greetings, Raccoonatics and Galaxians! I am Leo Wyld, your Raccoonatic Commander. Welcome to 2014, what I am calling the Year of the Raccoon. I truly believe this year will be Rocket's to shine, in the public eye (he's awesome to us any time). On to the matter at hand, which today will be more villainous Marvel Heroes propaganda...

Flarkin' Awesome! Issue 006 - (Almost) All the Right Moves

Unless you have skillfully avoided all my other writing on the site (for shame!), you know that I am a frequent player of the Free-2-Play online game Marvel Heroes.  It is what got me to read comics, and to discover the awesomeness that is Rocket Raccoon. And, in this humble critter's opinion, it is a das't enjoyable game that continues to improve, with one of the most amazing communities I have ever seen.  In any case, I did a review, a brief update regarding the 2.0 patch, a Flarkin' Awesome issue about his costumes on the game, and a news announcement of the only new costume he has received since launch, but I have not yet examined, in depth, how he plays, his powers, his moves. And that is what we are here to examine today... (More After the Jump)

Rocket is, at his core, a ranged hero, which should be a surprise to approximately no-one.  That said, Gazillion his lumped that basic ranged concept with a sort of summoner class.  Is this true to his typical comic style, perhaps not, but we'll get into more detail on that....

As with other heroes, Rocket's powers are divided into three "trees"...

Rocket's Power Trees

Galactic Guardian Tree

Rocket Raccoon is a unique hero to play, indeed, and there are a couple different ways to play him (maybe more). I am a firm believer that you should play the way that is fun to you. I figured my build out on "feel" alone, what I felt worked against enemies, in certain situations, etc. Others use raw numbers and math more. In any case, my build focuses more on Rocket's guns attacks than anything else and, for that reason, this tree is probably my favorite and most used.

 Quick Shot - "Fire a pistol shot that damages the first enemy in its path"

Blaster pistols have been a staple of Rocket's heroic repertoire since his debut. Besides always have them drawn as part of his regular model, they are used in a couple powers. Quick Shot is a basic power, you get it at level 1 and it costs no spirit. It is a little bit of pew-pew. Perhaps not very powerful, but it is, per its name, quite quick.
Neutron Shot - "Fire a powerful shot from your blaster that slows down the first enemy in its path."

Another blaster pistol power. You get this one later on, and, as another basic, it costs no spirit. It is not as quick as Quick Shot and many players do not consider it's slowing properties worth it.

Energy Barrage - "Hold down the hotkey to fire a continuous barrage of energy beams."

Rocket's first real big gun power. Think high-tech plasma machine gun. This is not unlike some of the spacier guns he has been using recently in the Guardians volume 3 era. Good attack to use at low levels, but I feel, personally, his later big gun powers can replace it.

Rocket Pack - "Hold down the hotkey to activate your rocket pack and fly above enemies and obstacles."

Rocket's transportation device of choice in the Modern era (like many other people, Rocket abandoned his skates after the 80's). Comic-accurate and helpful for getting somewhere quick on a public combat zone when you don't want to both with trash mobs and ambushes. You cannot use any powers while using it, though, and it can be a spirit drain (unless you have the right gear). When your spirit runs out, you drop down automatically to the nearest engine-allowed landing spot.

Personal Defscreen - "Activate a protective energy field that negates some incoming damage."

Three trees of powers requires that some creativity be applied when coming up with powers. The closest comic link for this one I can think of is that the Rakk N' Ruin (if it really existed) had some sort of shielding technology (they were mentioned in panel, anyway). So Rocket does, possibly, know of such tech. Like some of his other powers, I write this one off to Rocky having to adapt to operating without a team (and he almost always has a team, whether it was just Wal or the Guardians). It is conceivable, on his own, he might need the extra defenses. In any case, there is a blue resource bar just above your experience for Rocket, when you use this, the shielding applies and the bar is filled. As you take damage, or use the next power below, it is emptied. As long as there is some shield resource left, the Defscreen works, when it is completely empty, it disappears. Since it was nerfed some in potency in a recent patch, some people have stopped using it. Myself, I always keep it active. (It is also not always so visible, it sort of pulses like in the pic occasionally)

Tactical Destruction - "Fire a devastating shot that blasts each enemy in its path.  This power deals extra damage by draining your shield capacity."

Chargeable power, does the most damage if you charge it fully, but you can release the key early for lesser damage (they temporarily removed that option for a while, but it is back). If you have any Shield resource, see above power, it drains a percentage of it to buff the damage. As such, these two powers benefit each other. This is another big gun attack and one of my staples. Rocket pulls out one of his cannons, charges and fires off a beam of energy so powerful it literally knocks him for a loop (the beginning of that animation in the screen). Precise but very dangerous and destructive, reminds me a lot of our hero himself. Not for large groups, since it is a beam, but stragglers, small groups, and bosses, this is my go-to. Comic connection, it is functionally kinda like the gun he used to breach the shielding of the badoon battleship in issue 1 of Guardians volume 3. "You guys want to see something funny? Watch this."

Big Flarkin' Gun - "Wait, how does he even CARRY a gun that big?"

Ok. Tactical Destruction might be a nice metaphor for Rocket Raccoon, but this power, this is really what he is all about!  The essence of Rocket, big destructive cannon.  He pulls out his largest cannon in the set and fires off an arch of enemy-melting energy that continues as long as you have spirit and you keep the pressed, and it can be rotated!  This is my trash mob cleaner and, in my opinion, just a very fun power to use.  You do not get it until the 20's, though, unless you unlock it early with gear. Comic-connection.  I have trouble thinking of a particular use of a gun like this, but it is not unlike the one he supposedly used on Gladiator (although that was a telepathically disguised mop, so I guess that don't count).  Even so, Rocket would definitely not be opposed to using this weapon.

Tactical Genius Tree

Of all the trees, this one likely takes the most creative liberties for Rocket, giving him a number of devices he has never used (but, again, theoretically could use, were he forced to operate on his own).  Some people put a lot of focused into this tree, and that is one of his possible build choices. Me, I mostly ignore it (because I prefer the guns)

Cunning Shot - "Roll out of combat, firing a blaster shot that stuns an enemy."

Ok. Not all the powers in this tree use devices, this is the one that doesn't. A distance-maker essentially, since Rocket is primarily ranged. He jumps backwards into a roll while firing off his blaster pistols.  Definitely, a rather Rocket thing to do; he has, on a number of occasions, combined acrobatics with gunplay (in his Annihilators side feature, in particular).  The problem is, with the many other ways Rocket has to stay alive, it is not very necessary.  But, as with any power, if you can make it work for you, go ahead.

Blaster Turret - "Set up an automated turret that blasts your enemies."

A recent tweaking improved Rocket's turret powers significantly. You can have multiples of the same type out at once, when it was once only one of each kind at a time. They appear instantly, whereas there was once a set-down-the-device animation. And Blaster Turret, in particular, saw its damage buffed. More on that at the end of the article. This turret automatically fires energy "bullets" at enemies. The closest thing to any of his turrets in the comics would've been the mounted chain guns he had to use in Annihilation: Conquest, because the team was forced to operate low-tech.  It should be noted, that those were directly operated mounted guns, however, and not automated.

Time Dilator - "Set up a high-tech gadget that slows nearby enemies and enemy projectiles."

A device creates a large aura of subtle blue light.  It slows enemies and their shots that enter said area of light, allowing Rocket to move out of the way or eliminate the enemies before they are a problem.  Again, not strictly canon, but the modern Guardians have seen their share of time-space anomalies, so maybe it fits in that sense.

Shield Generator - "Set up a large force bubble that deflects incoming projectiles."

This little device used to deflect almost all projectiles 100 percent of the time, now, it is only a chance of deflecting them. I used to rely on it against bosses that had dangerous projectiles, now relying on it can be a danger, since it isn't 100 percent deflection. Still, I guess, it offers a level of protection, and, say, against a large group that is firing deflectable projectiles, it could help. There is a unique that gives each turret an extra ability, said unique, if equipped, makes Shield Generator heal you if you are inside of its bubble, so it can be useful in that way. Comic connection? Not one, but,I dunno, if Rocket could use a Personal DefScreen, I guess he could use this.

Suppression Turret - "Set up an automated turret that stuns your enemies."

Stuns and does Area of Effect damage! Helpful for large groups of mobs or very large groups of mobs that could become a danger. This is one of the turrets I still use on occasion, although, as a gunner, I still would prefer to rely mostly on BFG for the big groups.

Stun Grenade - "Toss a grenade that stuns nearby enemies when it explodes."
Some people think, because of his name, Rocket uses rocket launchers. Nope, Rocket is his real given name (chosen as a sci-fi tweaking on Rocky, as in the Beatles song). He has never canonically used a rocket launcher. Nor has ever seemed to use many explosives. He used one explosive device, in Guardians volume 2 issue 1, but Rocky seems to prefer to shoot things until they explode rather than just explode them outright. In any case, Rocket has a couple grenade-ish attacks on MH, although, to be fair, neither are really traditionally explosive. Rocket leaps quickly into the air, tosses a red grenade, it flashes brightly and stuns enemies. Another way to get mobs at a distance or slow them for a kill. I don't use it, but that's just me.

Gravity Mine - "Toss a device that redirects gravity to pull all enemies toward it."

Ok, so the other one is a mine and not a grenade. The tagline explains what it does well enough.  Another power I don't use much myself, but I hear it was buffed in the recent tweaking and it adds a vulnerability status to enemies that temporarily makes them take more damage.

Space Raccoon Tree

Lest it not be forgotten that Rocket is a genetically modified raccoon. (#RocketIsARaccoon). 

Burrowing Escape - "Burrow underground to another location, causing enemies to briefly ignore you. When you emerge from the burrow, you will move with increased speed."

Ugh. Apparently, someone did not get the memo that the Marvel versus Capcom games are fun first, and accurate second. Including non-canonical abilities is not only uncommon, it is sometimes more the rule than the exception. On UMvC3 Rocket has a number of abilities that are not canon, this is one of them. He has never dug in the dirt, and even once indicated he didn't like being underground. I guess we can be thankful it is the only MvC "power" they chose to give him. Functionally, I cannot deny it is helpful. When I am boxed in and hurting, this is a life-saving escape. For people with turret builds, this keeps aggro on their turrets. I simply wish they had used the same function of the ability, but had done a teleport "jump" with his Passport device instead. Would've done the same thing, and been canon. The function was needed, the power design itself, well, someone took a wrong turn at Rigel IV (Rant over.)

Pistol Whip - "Surprise your enemy with a strike that might stun that foe."

This is a basic attack, meaning no spirit cost, and you get it at the early levels. Basically, this is the first option you have for dealing with mobs who get too close. Canonical? Well, Rocket's seen a barfight or two, he's not above punching (with or without a gun in his hand). I'd say it fits fine. There was a time in Beta when Cyclops had a punch attack that was unusually powerful in one patch iteration, so someone made a joke of playing with relying primarily on the punching and called him Punchclops, ended up making a webcomic out of it. The guy, he got his account name officially changed to Punchclops in Beta, still plays "Punchclops", even though it is now far from optimal, and he is in my guild today. In any case, that once prompted me to joke someone could play Pistol Whipcoon. That never quite took off in the same way. But, strangely enough, I've never been a fan of the power, myself, so I don't really use it. But I can see how it could be useful.

Timely Recovery - "End all negative conditions affecting you, gaining immunity to those conditions for a brief time."

A debuff counter basically is what this one is, good against stuns and slows and the like. Rocket is an agile, cunning, and often lucky, guy, he's escaped a tight spot on more than one occasion, so this is a decent buff idea for him design-wise. (And the name? An homage to his one-time mailroom job, perhaps. Probably not. Heh.)

Shrewd Dude - "Your size and cunning make you a hard target to hit."

This is a passive. As you add more points, it increases your dodge rating for yourself *and* for your allies. Hey, Rocket's cunning has helped the direct the entire team to safety on more than one occasion. He once had a separate power called Cunning Plan that gave a timed super-dodge buff to a team, and he would say "Listen to the tactical genius.". With Shrewd Dude now giving its bonus to allies, that separate power was removed.

Procyonid Senses - "Nearby enemies can't hide from your keen raccoon senses."

Another passive, you add points and it gives you a consistent buff. A nice nod to Rocket's acute animal senses because he is a raccoon. Heh. It basically shows where enemies are on your minimap. It also gives a critical rating boost. Critical rating I get from other gear, and is not as important to my playstyle, so I one point this. But there are builds for Rocket that rely on critical.

Wily Scavenger - "You have a keen nose for rare gear and weapons. Each orb you collect restores spirit and, if your Personal Defscreen is active, restore shield capacity."

Another passive (Much of this tree is).  When you pick up orbs, even if they are health orbs, you get some spirit and shield resource. This power also has a built-in buff to the rarity-find stat, which helps you find better quality gear. Well, I guess Rocket gets all those guns somewhere. Even in the most recent issue, he mentions scavenging weaponry from the Badoon. I'd say it is another good passive power for him.

My Friend Groot - "Summon your big buddy, the mighty sentient tree Groot, to fight your enemies."

For the past seven plus years, Groot has been as much a part of Rocket's identity as big guns are. I think, having Groot as a summon was one of the best decisions Gazillion made in designing Rocket for Marvel Heroes. When you summon, he drops down, does damage where he lands, and even exclaims "I am Groot". Then he makes like a powerhouse tree from Planet X and beats the flark out of any enemies that you get near.  The only downside, he has a duration timer, for some reason, and will explode when that timer expires, even if he still has health left. (Here's to hoping they change that). One good relatively recent change was moving the power from level thirty to level ten. Also, the color of his costume changes depending on the costume you are wearing.

Ultimate Power

Every hero has what is called an Ultimate Power. For most, these are earned at level 30, and they are leveled by earning special tokens through a couple methods. In the recent wave of reworks, however, the Ultimate Powers are being moved to level 52, while a new Signature Power is created for the lower levels. Rocket has not yet seen such a rework so, as of this writing, and likely a few months after, his Ultimate will remain at 30 and as described.

Spatial Warp Array

More reference to Guardians getting involved with cosmic forces and such, I guess. This is another turret-like device. It does damage, kills summons, and holds even supervillains in place (to prevent say, the Hood, from even teleporting). Helpful tool against a number of supervillains for sure. Should it be the representative ultimate power for Rocket Raccoon? No, I don't believe so. Reed Richards, maybe, but not Rocket Raccoon. However, his fans in Marvel Heroes have been pushing for his ultimate to be the "Thanosbuster" mech he once used, and even Gazillion wants to try to do it. It is still up and the air and, if it is changed, it will not be until the aforementioned rework.

What Does the Future Hold?

I am glad you asked. Ok, you probably didn't. Anyway, the big rework, it will undoubtedly bring new powers to Rocket and change functionality of existing ones. Based on what I have shown, what should change? One thing I feel he needs is a bullet-fed chain gun, like he very often used in the Guardians volume 2 era. Thanosbuster would be a much more appropriate ultimate. There is a larger concern, as a comic Rocket fan, that these turrets and devices from his Tactical tree will become more needed to play him. And I have written a topic (<-- link) about that on Marvel Heroes forums. See what you think, if you agree (or not) feel free to register to the forums and leave a comment.

Until next time, stay awesome! See ya 'round the Raccooniverse!

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