MERCH: New GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY T-Shirt, Keychain, and Lanyard

As we get closer to the release of the Guardians of the Galaxy film, we keep getting more and more new looks at Guardians merchandise. This time, we've got a look at three new items: a Milano Spaceship T-Shirt (pictured above), a Rocket Raccoon Lanyard (below, left), and a Rocket Raccoon Pewter Keychain (below, right). You can currently pre-order the keychain and lanyard at Entertainment Earth. We'll let you know when the t-shirt is being sold. What do you think of these items? Drop us a comment below!


  1. ...the lanyard and keychain WILL BE MINE.

  2. The t-shirt and keychain will be mine!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. where can i get the tshirt?


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