On Monday, July 21st, 2014, the Guardians of the Galaxy red carpet premiere took place in Hollywood at El Capitan Theater. The event was massive, with fans lining up at the early hours of the morning. Crews spent most of the day setting up for the event. Below are some pictures from the event!
by Leonard Sultana |
by rendyjonxs |
by RichardusScriptor |
by SondreNordkvelle |
by Leonard Sultana |
by Leonard Sultana |
by Leonard Sultana |
by josh_avery |
by cerilli |
by cerilli |
by thewardrobest |
by Leonard Sultana |
by cerilli |
by Chris Thorne |
by emilynsharp |
by Frigga's Boys |
by fabiomoon |
by Mitali |
by xphile03 |
via curlyjulz |
via snownelli |
by ModernMythMedia |
You can also check back here, for official photos taken by Marvel.