By Chris S.
So I’m sure if you are reading this, you have seen Guardians of the Galaxy by now, right? If you have seen it, go to Step 2. If you haven't seen it, go to Step 1.

Step 1: I would like you to close your laptop, shut down your desktop, or whatever else you may be reading this on, drive to your local theater, and buy a ticket to the next showtime. Seriously, why have you not seen it yet?

Step 2: Continue reading and enjoy my speculation/prediction to who Star Lord’s father will be in Guardians of the Galaxy 2.

Hopefully by now, you will have seen the movie. In which case, you will now know that they have dropped a few hints regarding Star Lord’s father. I have seen some speculation that perhaps Warlock will be his father, or Starfox, or Captain Marvel, or “blah blah blah”. I really don’t see any of these characters as Peter’s dad. So I’m locking in my bets now. Based on the hints we got from the movie, I doubt they will be using J’son as his father. It seems this is going to be a big part of the plot for the sequel. All the hints that were dropped in the movie fit one character perfectly, in my opinion at least, and that character is: Starhawk.

Here are the four reasons I believe Starhawk will be Star Lord’s father in Guardians 2:

1. Meredith said that Peter’s father was an “angel” and “composed of pure light”. According to’s entry for Starhawk: “Starhawk can generate luminous energy for various purposes. He can surround his body with a nimbus of light, providing simple illumination, up to blinding intensity. He can cast beams of light as spotlights of flares. By shifting his light beam's frequency, he can generate intense heat beams, or coherent light beams that strike their targets with tremendous concussive force. He uses a nimbus of intermingled photons and anti-gravitons to levitate or fly at great speeds”. Anyone who has seen Starhawk can see where Meredith could come to the conclusion of Starhawk being an angel. Not only is he “from the sky”, but he has those “wings” of light. In addition to all of this, he has the aliases of “The Light” and “The Giver of Light”.

2. Yondu tells Kraglin that Peter’s father was a jackass. In the comics, Starhawk gave himself the name, “The One Who Knows.” He is a selfish character as well, and much like Star-lord in the DnA run, he manipulated events that would lead to the formation of the original Guardians. All of this seems to be reason enough for the MCU version of Yondu to think he is a jackass. Though, it would probably take a lot less than that.

3. Nova Prime reveals to the Guardians and Peter that he is only "half-terran", and that the other half is “something ancient” and that they have never seen it before. Although he was born in our time, and is half-terran as well, it would be easy for James Gunn to recreate an origin story for Starhawk, much like how Yondu was very different from his comic counterpart. Although the origin would need to be changed, there are many things that could be pulled from the comic version of Starhawk. Such as having an incredibly long lifespan and continually being reborn into his infant body. I can see Marvel having him as an ancient alien being that has been reborn continually throughout time. Just leave out the bits about getting powers from a hawk god, and being a merged form of himself and his wife. Yeah, I think that would be a lot less confusing.

4. During an interview with AMC, James Gunn said that he “loved Starhawk”. And rightfully so I might add. Starhawk is the easiest character to translate to the big screen from the original Guardians. Charlie-27 would be another Hulk, Martinex would require too much CGI and probably end up resembling Iceman from Days of Future Past, and you can’t have Vance Astro without Cap’s shield. Hopefully they will utilize a modified version of his costume from the 2008 series (seen above).

What do you guys think? Do you agree? Leave a comment below.


  1. This is a GREAT theory. My favorite one so far. My current (definitely wishful thinking) theory is that peter's father is Wendall Vaughn/Quasar. I think this because 1) I want Quasar in the MCU and 2) he once reformed from pure quantum energy and it looked like light. It's a stretch but... QUASAR.

    1. Thanks. And I never really gave Quasar much thought. I wonder which version of Quasar we will see make it to the big screen first?

    2. He's full human, that makes no sense at all.
      He'll be introduced alongside Nova after Xandar is destroyed by Nebula in GotG2 or it's post credit scene

    3. I have a ton of theories for the future of the ENTIRE MCU, but in particular - I can definitely see Xandar getting destroyed (even after all that rescuing that occurred in the first GOTG movie), but by THANOS... I picture him standing there, just like Marcelus Wallace from Pulp Fiction (from the Back) - holding Nova Prime by the throat and way off the ground in one hand, and in the other, the Orb... then cracking her neck and tossing her aside, cracking a smile too, and then zipping off into space (via the space stone - which I believe will likely e the very FIRST gemstone he acquires) - just as the guardians (or the avengers & the guardians) get there. But as far as who the father of Quill will be, I truly believe it will be EROS, brother of THANOS... he has all the makings. Good with the ladies, he could actually make a woman from earth believe he was an Angel simply by tampering with the pleasure centers of her brain. And Kurt Russell is set to be in the film, and the guy really does look like he could be Josh Brolins older brother... I mean, really. But aside from those things, I've got a ton of other theories about THANOS and the Gemstones... So many people are talking about the 2 remaining Stones, but don't really talk to much about the ones we've already seen. What will become of THOSE?? When and where and how will Thanos get his hands on them. One thing I do want to say, is that the MIND Gemstone will be the final one collected. Vision may not die, and if he does (seem to) he will then actually go INSIDE the mind stone (and live in it's occupied sort of pocket dimension), and when the time comes, he will coordinate with the other 5 stones and defeat Thanos from the INSIDE... Very MUCH like Silver surfer and Adam Warlock do in the comic series, but inside the Soul Stone. The MIND STONE is the MCU's Soul Stone...... ok, well - got more, but will wait on some responses to those things.

  2. I like your theory better than any other I have seen! I love the way Starhawk was depicted in the DnA series, and - while I love the comic storyline - having evil emperor J'Son as Pete's dad pushes the whole story even closer to Star Wars territory.
    On another note, just saw on Box Office Mojo that GotG's 10 day domestic take has exceeded any other "blockbuster" this year....we passed Transformers 4 on day 10! May not have won weekend 2, but the good vibes continue...

  3. Good theory, but...I still think it'll be J'Son of Spartax. He could be neutral instead of evil. And the way Meredith described the father, need to think literally, like Drax does. ^__^

    In any event, I hope the father is played by Kevin Bacon.


      Not gonna be J'son. And man, Kevin Bacon would be hilarious casting for his dad.

  4. It will be J'Son of Spartax. All this speculation is a waste of time.

    1. James Gunn would disagree with you about that.

  5. Quill's mom also told Peter he looks.just like his father.

  6. Not to mention Meredith gave Peter the name Star-lord which could easy come from Starhawk.

  7. Starfox aka Eros aka Thanos brother. Mark my words.

  8. If Kevin bacon is his dad that would be perfect

  9. like the theory, also like any form of quasar being a possibilty or even bob grayson (marvel boy), then agents of atlas could tie into the shield storylines from the past... just a thought

  10. Funnily enough this is exactly what i thought when i saw guardians, that and the nova corps would have spartoi dna on file right? Starlords father is starhawk just please leave aleta out of it.

  11. It seems everyone forgets the director himself said the original GOTG would appear in this movie. This is a hands down hint Starhawk is likely the father among other things.

    1. Could be... I hope not though, but we'll wee (November 2017)... but really, I'm hoping for EROS. I really want to see THAOS's origin told a bit, and this would include the Eternals, and his siblings (including EROS) -- and to make Star-Lord the Son of one of them (which by the way, they ARE an Ancient race of beings) - it could open up a bunch of doorways into the backgrounds of THANOS and his people. He is said to actually be a Mutant among his own VERY powerful (already) tribe of people... Eternals. Maybe we'll get somewhat of a backstory involving THANOS somewhere in the future (possibly in Captain Marvel, or maybe in GOTG volume 2, or Infinity Wars... who knows. Hoping for some flashback scenes (short but sweet and to the point), of THANOS growing up, and what makes him the Madman he is today...

  12. I think Peter Quills Dad is Starhawk!!! Go back and watch the film. After The Collector tells Carina not to touch the stone she touches it and there's an explosion and something that looks like a Gold Star hits The Collector in the head and makes a clinking sound like metal once it hits the floor. If you take a really close look it looks exactly like the one on Starhawks waist. It's possible he wasn't "seen" because he can turn himself into a beam of light and maybe that was him being released from the case. In his backstory he constanly is reborn so it's possible he could have "died" an been "collected". Another thing to note is he was known to have precognition, knowing things before they happen and at times not interfering. Maybe thats why he didn't reveal himself. He's know to be very selfish ,hence the "jackass" quality and he's constantly being reborn and has trouble with keeping consistent memories of people which could cause him to be confused with friends and foes. He comes from an ancient race of people and he is possibly hundreds if not thousands of years old, thus the problem the nova core had recognizing his species. He fits the mothers description of Angel-like because of his "wings" and the "halo" around his head, can generate "luminous" energy, surround himself with blinding light, cast light beams and travel at light speed, mostly all powers dealing with light like his mother said. The other thing I noticed was right after The Collector tells the story of the Celestial that destroyed a planet a face appears in the left circle. It has a purple hue to it and it never explodes nor does the planet. I'm thinking that possibly was the beginning of the character The Ego. I noticed the guy who was placing the order before Drax pulled the blades on him and demanded him to contact Ronan that he mentioned something about Cotati seeds. I know that Mantis has a tight bond with the Cotati. Maybe that'll tie in with the next movie. Just some things to look into. One last thing, when Thanos summons Ronan and Ronan has an argument with and then kills the Other the ground hes standing on looks an awful lot like the Eye of Agamotto. Maybe it has some symbolic meaning. Not sure but just some observations I noticed! The main egg being Starhawk..

  13. I think Peter Quills Dad is Starhawk!!! Go back and watch the film. After The Collector tells Carina not to touch the stone she touches it and there's an explosion and something that looks like a Gold Star hits The Collector in the head and makes a clinking sound like metal once it hits the floor. If you take a really close look it looks exactly like the one on Starhawks waist. It's possible he wasn't "seen" because he can turn himself into a beam of light and maybe that was him being released from the case. In his backstory he constanly is reborn so it's possible he could have "died" an been "collected". Another thing to note is he was known to have precognition, knowing things before they happen and at times not interfering. Maybe thats why he didn't reveal himself. He's know to be very selfish ,hence the "jackass" quality and he's constantly being reborn and has trouble with keeping consistent memories of people which could cause him to be confused with friends and foes. He comes from an ancient race of people and he is possibly hundreds if not thousands of years old, thus the problem the nova core had recognizing his species. He fits the mothers description of Angel-like because of his "wings" and the "halo" around his head, can generate "luminous" energy, surround himself with blinding light, cast light beams and travel at light speed, mostly all powers dealing with light like his mother said. The other thing I noticed was right after The Collector tells the story of the Celestial that destroyed a planet a face appears in the left circle. It has a purple hue to it and it never explodes nor does the planet. I'm thinking that possibly was the beginning of the character The Ego. I noticed the guy who was placing the order before Drax pulled the blades on him and demanded him to contact Ronan that he mentioned something about Cotati seeds. I know that Mantis has a tight bond with the Cotati. Maybe that'll tie in with the next movie. Just some things to look into. One last thing, when Thanos summons Ronan and Ronan has an argument with and then kills the Other the ground hes standing on looks an awful lot like the Eye of Agamotto. Maybe it has some symbolic meaning. Not sure but just some observations I noticed! The main egg being Starhawk..


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