By Cameron Logan
A lot was said about the Nova Corps in the first Guardians of the Galaxy film. Many were concerned that the Nova Corps were basically "beat cops," and didn't have the superpowers that they have in the comics. However, the ending of the first film may have set the Nova Corps up for a more "powerful" role in the sequel. Hit the jump for my theories...

In the comics, the Nova Force is a "near-limitless energy source" which is "transmitted" into each recruit "at varying levels depending on their rank." Basically, as a member of the Nova Corps goes up in rank, they are able to harness a larger percentage of the Nova Force, giving them more abilities. The Nova Force can give a recruit the ability to fly, as well as enhance their speed, strength, and stamina.

Very similar to the Nova Force is the Power Gem (which Ronan harnessed in GOTG). According to Marvel Wiki, the Power Gem's most basic powers "grant its user unlimited stamina and can increase the user's strength to unlimited levels depending on how much the gem is drawn upon. It allows the user to duplicate practically any physical superhuman ability and become invincible. It can also be used as an unlimited power supply for any machine." Sounds familiar right? The Nova Force and the Power Gem do almost the exact same thing! Which brings me to my next point...

At the end of the first Guardians of the Galaxy film, the Guardians have left the Power Gem with the Nova Corps. Quill even says that the Nova Corps are the only ones who can keep it safe. However, after losing so many of their top "soldiers" during their battle with Ronan, it is understandable that the Nova Corps would use the Power Gem to enhance the abilities of their remaining recruits.

My theory is that Guardians of the Galaxy 2 will introduce the Nova Force as a power harnessed from the Power Gem. Members of the Nova Corps will have superhuman abilities, such as flight and enhanced strength. Richard Rider will be introduced as one of these Corpsmen, who is abruptly left to take over as Nova Prime when Xandar is destroyed (Nebula once destroyed Xandar in the comics). He will be the last living member of the Nova Corps, and the sole protector of the Power Gem.

What do you think? Will the Nova Corps use the Power Gem? Will Richard Rider appear in GOTG2? Sound off in the comment section below and let us know what you think!


  1. You know... the fact that the power gem could tie into the Nova Force never even occurred to me. Yet now that you mention it, it'd be a GREAT plot point, and it would be set up perfectly!

    1. Yea. I really hope this is the route that James Gunn is going in.

  2. I could EASILY see this, particularly the whole using the Power Gem bit. Now people are terrified because of Gunn's comments about Richard Rider, but don't worry. I'm pretty sure at one point James said he didn't like the Guardians of the Galaxy. His humor is like that, people. Heck, he ended his comments with "I don't know. I guess I just don't like the helmets!" .. really, he doesn't like the helmets and THAT is his end bit? Yeah he's quite joking.

    But in conclusion, YES to the Power Gem. It makes complete sense. Build up Nova Prime's character more and then at the end have her die off for an emotional beat. Something like that.

    1. Yea, I could see Thanos destroying Xandar and the Nova Corps to get 'The Power Gem'. All is lost, until we find out Richard Rider survived with the Power Gem in the post credit scene.

  3. Wow, this hadn't even occurred to me but this is a great theory! This would be a super cool route to go, but I trust James Gunn so if he does something different I'm sure it will be great.

    1. Yea, I'm sure whatever he comes up with will be great, but I want to see Richard Rider shooting through space like a rocket!

    2. Wonder if he'll still be a 'human' rocket?

  4. I could see Nova Prime telling Dey that the Guardians are no longer going to be there to protect them, and that they need their own heroes; ones that call Xandar home. Dey then gets tasked with establishing the Nova Force and Worldmind programs. Richard Rider is selected as one of the members of the program. When Xandar is on the brink of destruction, Dey gives Rich the infinity gem to protect and tells him that he is now Nova Prime and that he had programmed Worldmind to guide Richard should an event like Xandar's destruction occur.

    1. That would be great Chris! You should write some more editorials!

  5. That is a clever theory. I hadn't thought of that.

  6. I had the same idea about the Nova Corps harnessing the power gem to create the Nova Force. I could see this being mentioned in the 2nd Guardians of the Galaxy movie. Way down the road we could get a Nova movie, probably after the other 3 infinity gems are introduced. Everything is building toward the Infinity Gauntlet story and at some point Thanos has to start getting gems. I picture the Nova movie as borrowing elements from Annihilation, Thanos Quest, and A vs X. The movie would open by introducing us to Rich Ryder. We see Thanos arrive and destroy Xandar to get the power gem. All the novas are wiped out except for Rich Ryder. Nova must then harness all of the Nova force in a mad race to get to the gems before Thanos. He fails at the end and we see a battered Nova fall to Earth and into Avengers Tower. Before he loses consciousness, he warns them that Thanos is coming. They might even choose to kill off Rich Ryder at the end of the movie and introduce Sam in the next movie. It would be a really gutsy move by Marvel to kill off Nova at the end of his own movie.

    1. I think Xandar would be a great planet for Thanos to wipe out before he heads to Earth. It would show what kind of damage Thanos is capable of.

  7. I had a lot of the same similar thoughts and theories as many of you, before and after the GOTG film! It would be awesome to see Worldmind and the Nova Force in the MCU. As a long-time Nova fan, I would love nothing more than to see the one and only original Human Rocket, Richard Rider as The Man Called Nova in the MCU. I really like to think that Gunn was joking when he made those negative comments on Nova and I am not sure which "Nova" he was referring to. A solo Nova film would work best but I would not mind if Rich had a cameo in either Avengers:AoU or GOTG 2 as a teaser introduction. Richard Rider is from Long Island, NY and the Avengers are based in NYC. In Nova Vol.1 #1, Rich is an average, ordinary, every day young man who is not so bright in school but has a big heart, strong sense of duty, and greatly admires super heroes. Perhaps we see Dey on a very important mission to Earth regarding the imminent threat of Thanos and is to meet with the Avengers in NYC. Rich has been out with his two(or was that three?) best friends and heads back home. A situation happens and Dey must suddenly make an emergency decision. As luck would have it, Rich is at the right spot, at the right moment and the Terran is deputized as a Nova Corps Centurion. He learns to use his new abilities on the go and is briefed by Worldmind about Xandar, the Nova Corps, and threats like Thanos. Xandar had been able to develop some advanced technology, thanks to the newly acquired Power Gem, and a small number of Worldmind-aided, Nova Force-powered Centurions was the greatest achievement that they had to help protect Xandar and the planets under their jurisdiction. Nova Corps is now aware about the Avengers' victory over the Chitauri. Thanos is still actively seeking out and collecting the Power Gems for the Infinity Gauntlet. Nova Corps is still not yet fully recovered from the aftermath with their battle with Ronan, the GOTG has their hands full, and the Terran champions, The Avengers, could come in handy. With the Power Gem safely in his possession, Dey is dispatched to Earth. Just like Steve Rogers, also a New York boy, Richard Rider is an ordinary guy with a lot of heart and is given the opportunity to carry out that great sense of duty.

    1. Wow, that's a great plot synopsis right there. I hope that Marvel does something similar to that. I could also see Richard Rider being the one who comes to Earth to warn The Avengers of Thanos coming, like Silver Surfer did in Infinity Gauntlet.

  8. Seriously though, if Gunn turns the Kree into a sort of ''space Al-Qaeda'' or if the Supreme Intelligence and the Sentry robots don't show up, i'm gonna be very dissapointed.

    1. I think Ronan was more like Osama Bin Laden, but the Kree themselves probably aren't so much like terrorists.

    2. Think about it, Ronan used Sakaarans instead of Kree as his soldiers.

    3. And it was clear that the Kree leader Nova Prime spoke with wanted to have nothing to do with the whole matter.

  9. This is the popular theory. I think we're forgetting where Adam Warlock comes into play though too. After all, he came out of his coccoon if you pay attention behind Howard the Duck.


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