Weekly GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY Poll Results: 8/26/14


  1. The next poll is a big D'oh!!! Of course the winner for a Cosmo Tuesday should be Cosmo...



  2. Loved the Cosmo cameo. I patted my wife on the leg and whispered (probably too loudly) "Its Cosmo! Its Cosmo!" ...I was pretty excited :p

    (people who post as 'Anonymous'! go to the Name/URL option and put in some username that you can use in your comments so we can feel more like a community! no log-in or anything is required. :)

    1. It doesnt always work for me, not sure why. That's why I go anon instead :(

  3. Am I the only one who didn't like the Howard the Duck cameo. I have memories of a really bad movie of his. I guess I was gearing up for a kick butt cameo for a future project, and I felt we lame inside joke instead. Now seeing Adam Warlock busting out of his cocoon or a glimpse of Dr Strange sitting at the bar in Nowhere doing something mystical would have been cool.

    1. I was a little disappointed with the Howard The Duck cameo at first, but it's grown on me.

  4. Lloyd Kaufman is the most underrated cameo of the movie.
    I heard no matter what movie you are doing, even some crappy little 15 second thing on an iPhone, if he's in the area, just call him up and he'll do whatever the hell you want him to.


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