Bendis talks Star-Lord's Revival and Infinity Tie-ins has posted an interview with writer Brian Michael Bendis, in which he talks about his Guardians of the Galaxy/Infinity tie-ins, illustrated by the awesome Francesco Francavilla. Apparently, Guardians of the Galaxy issues #8 and 9 will be the only two that tie in to Infinity. Also, Bendis had this to say about Star-Lord and Thanos' revivals from the Cancer-Verse:
"It also touches back on what people have been asking about for almost every day of my life for the last year. More and more Gamora is wondering how is it that Peter Quill and Thanos are back from the dead [as they were believed to be prior to this volume of GOTG]. Did Peter make some kind of deal with the devil to come back? And if he did, is what Thanos is doing right now one hundred percent Peter’s fault? For those who know their Guardians lore, there is a lot going on. But if you’re just finding out now that there’s some weird secret that Peter has, we’re going to be dealing with it right now."

Bendis also gave some scoop about the artists being featured in upcoming issues of Guardians:
"In issue #6, we’ll have some pages by Olivier Coipel that they haven’t shown anybody. In issue #7, on top of Sara Pichelli being the regular artist, we have some awesome pages by Valerio Schiti. We’re very excited about that. Issues #8 and #9 are by Francesco. And as we said online last week, issue #10 is the return of Kevin Maguire to the pages of Marvel Comics and the book he was born to draw. He’s doing an issue that I think will answer a lot of the questions that you just asked, which is the fallout from INFINITY."
Sounds like we will be getting some answers soon about Peter Quill's reappearance. I wonder if Bendis will touch upon the hair change. Probably not. Either way, he has definitely assembled an impressive group of artists to work on Guardians. Head on over to Marvel for the rest of the interview, which mostly talks about Infinity. And drop a comment below and tell us where you would like to see volume three of Guardians go in the near future.


  1. I'm glad that Bendis hasn't forgotten the questions we die-hard Guardians fans have. I'd love to see an issue that starts off right where Thanos Imperative ended.

    1. I think Bendis has done a good job of bringing these characters to the mainstream, which was the intent of Marvel. There may be things that v2 Guardians fans don't like, but the majority of new readers love the title.

  2. Keep up the good work Bendis.

  3. On one hand, yay! More Guardians info! And awesome artists! On the other hand... I hate they switch artists in the middle of the issue. It irritates me and takes me out of the story. Even when it's good art, it makes my eye twitch. Also, if issue 10 is the FALLOUT from Infinity... that makes it sound like these issues are going to remain spaced out. Besides the Half-Word TPB, we're going all of August without a Guardians book, and won't see issue 6 until end of Sept. While I'll freely admit, I won't be truly happy until they beam a constant stream of Guardians material straight into my brain, it'd be nice to see this book a little more often! But maybe it wouldn't be quite as good if they were hammering it out that quickly? Maybe I should shut up and just be happy I'm even getting a Guardians title at all! :D

    1. It sucks that we have to wait so long between issues. That's what I don't like about Events. In fact, I don't like events at all. They get too convoluted with all their different titles that you have to buy if you want to keep up with it. I know it's a way to make money but geez, it's annoying after a while.

    2. Oh, I agree. And another thing I keep saying is that we don't get enough downtime between events. Like this last issue of Thor. Big story arc ends, end-of-the-universe stuff, and this issue was just Thor. Hanging out on Earth. Nothing story-defining or game-changing. And I really needed that downtime with Thor before we jump into the next big problem. The Flash annual a couple weeks ago was the same kind of issue. I'd like to see something like that for the Guardians. An entire issue of what they do when they're not guarding the galaxy. Those end up being the comics I save and read over and over again. I'll go back to the events eventually, but I read those smaller issues till the cover falls off.

    3. I think that's what people like about the new Hawkeye. You are getting character moments and learning more about him. You see what his day to day life is like. The events just feel so hollow to me.

    4. That's very true. I'm loving Hawkeye. Gambit was that way for me for the first 10 or so issues. Feeling less like that now. It may be one of the reason I'm also enjoying Scarlet Spider so much, they've yet to tie him into anything big. There was one Venom crossover for like, one issue. But it's mostly just him on his own. Lots of character development and time with his supporting cast because there's no events bogging him down.


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