Vin Diesel talks Groot

Vin Diesel talked recently with the LA Times about his talks with Marvel to play the voice of Groot in Guardians of the Galaxy. Diesel had this to say:

"I’m an actor. Not everything has to be the most obvious choice. And sometimes, the best thing you can do — as far as Steven Spielberg and his advice — is to defy expectations. So if everybody thinks you’re going to go for this one thing and you flip it entirely and go for the strangest Marvel character, it’s interesting. And when something is interesting, it’s inspiring."

When asked how Marvel felt about his Groot cover photo on Facebook, Diesel had this to say.

"The last thing they are is mad. I’m pretty open, but I have been secretive about this. I went to Comic-Con and I got blasted while I was on the Hall H panel for 'Riddick.' Someone asked a Marvel question. I couldn’t say anything because of that secrecy."

Vin Diesel hasn't been confirmed to play Groot, but at this point, it seems like it's almost locked in. What do you think of Vin Diesel as Groot? Drop a comment below!


  1. Yes, please! While I'm not a huge fan of Vin's, I do think he has his place in the cinematic world, and I think attacheing an established name like his to a character like Groot is a win-win for everybody. I'm still not-so-secretly rooting for David Tennant for Rocket Raccoon.

    1. David Tennant as Rocket would be awesome, but I have a feeling it's going to be Sean Gunn.

    2. One can always dream.


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