We've Reached 100,000 Hits!!!

A message from Cameron Logan, Guard The Galaxy creator:
"Though 100,000 hits may not be much in the land of the "interwebs," for a site only in its infant stages, it's pretty impressive. I created this site as a place for Guardians fans to congregate. Currently, I am working on getting a forum put together, so that we all can discuss many topics ranging from Rocket Raccoon's greatest one-liner, to Gamora's hottest outfit (just kidding).

Running a fan blog is not easy. I've even had a few critics (because some people take the internet a little too seriously), but they have mainly been people who worked for other blogs, although I won't name any names. Regardless, I will do my best to keep this site alive and thriving, with the help of many new friends.

A big thank you goes out to all of our supporters. I would like to especially thank our contributors, Leo Wyld, Lokein Lyesmith, Dan Colon, Andrew Husband, and Armand Rock. Without you guys, this site would just be one major pain in the rear end."


  1. Those hits are missleading and are likely 10 times what they really are. Keep reloading the page and the counter keeps increasing. If you want a proper representation you should be switching to something that makes use of cookies to measure the proper hits.

    1. not taking anything away though you obviously have grown

    2. It's all good! 100,000 hits or 10,000, doesn't matter. I'm just happy people like the site.

  2. Awesome news, guys! I'm really happy for you and 100,000 hits is a huge milestone for any blog as far as I am concerned. This site means a big deal to me for a number of reasons. First of all, I have been a Guardians Mega-Nut for many years now so to have a place dedicated exclusively to all things GOTG related is very much welcome in my life.

    Secondly, this is a place where I can speak to other Guardians fans and share ideas openly and welcomingly, and that means something to me. I have commented on many articles since I found this site, and I have never gotten or seen any of the "Uh WTF? How dare you disagree with me! My opinion is right and you're stupid!" type bullshit that is so common on other sites like this. Everyone here (admin, contributors, fans like myself) are adults and act like it, at least as far as I can see, and that is a refreshing find on the internet today.

    I haven't been checking this site for long (only a few weeks) but it's always one of the first sites I check in the morning when I switch on the computer, and one of the last I check at night before I switch everything off. GOTG is the Phase 2 movie that I am most excited about, and has been since they first announced it last year, and thanks to this site I have gotten a few glimpses of the movie's making (set photos, Yondu, etc) that I just have not seen on any other sites. And, as I said at the time, were it not for you I would never have seen the leaked footage from D23. Seeing that was the highlight of my month, and that's saying something because this has been a great month for me. It might not seem like a big deal to anyone else, but it is to me, and I am indebted to you for that.

    The bottom line is, as a massive fan of GOTG, I really appreciate everything that you have done with this site. All the hard work and blood, sweat and tears that you have put into this blog means a lot to me as I'm sure it does to other fans, too. For that, I want to say a massive thank you to all of you guys (the admin and contributors) for everything so far. Here's to many more years of you doing what you do, and me following diligently. Cheers!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind feedback. Your comment has made my day. It's great to hear of people enjoying something that you've put so much hard work into. I've never made a dime off of this site, and neither have any of our contributors. We all do this out of pure love for GOTG.

      I understand what you are saying about other sites. The constant bickering and trash talking gets old after a while. Most of those sites have been hijacked or are run by people who refuse to grow up and act like adults. The anonymity of the internet gives people a chance to say whatever they want without any repercussions. In real life, those people would probably get slapped around for the way they "talk" to other people. That being said, I will never let this site turn into a place where people spew their bullcrap at each other. I'll leave that to the other blogs.

      Thanks again for your continued support and if you ever have any ideas for how we can improve the site, feel free to e-mail me at clogan@guardthegalaxy.com

  3. Way to go! I'm glad I could be a part of this. Thank you, again, for inviting me to help.

  4. Congratulations guys! The site is great and will only get bigger in the next year!

  5. Insanely cool. I'm honored to have anything to do with this page. It's so well done, so well put together and you're all such an awesome group of people. Can't wait to see what the future holds for us and GotG in general!

    1. This next year is gonna be fun. :) And if the movie does well, I'm sure there will be A LOT more Guardians fans joining us. Thanks for your help.

  6. Very awesome! This has been my number one site for all GotG news and is the first page I check daily, it's my homepage on my browser! I love this site and this has been the first site with all the GotG news I crave, from the leaked footage up to the new pics of Yondu. Keep up the good work with my favorite Marvel team!

    1. Wow! Thanks Chris. It's awesome to hear that we are your homepage. We'll try to keep up the good work!

  7. Congrats! Love the site and really appreciate all of the hard work that goes into it. I'm really looking forward to see the site grow and the number of hits multiply as we get closer to the GotG release date. Thanks for all that you do!

    1. Thanks Ben. You have been one of our most loyal visitors from the start. Glad that you are still with us!


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