GIVEAWAY - Rocket Raccoon: Tales from Half-World

This Wednesday sees the release of Rocket Raccoon: Tales from Half-World, a collection of the Rocket Raccoon limited series from 1985. It features all four issues, written by the legendary Bill Mantlo, and featuring the stupendous artwork of Mike Mignola.

This week, we will be giving away a free copy to one lucky reader. In order to be eligible to win, drop us a comment below and answer the question, "If you could could hang out with Rocket Raccoon for one whole day, what would the two of you do?" The funniest and/or most creative answer will win the contest (it's all subjective). Make sure to leave us an e-mail address so that we may contact you.

Winner will be announced Friday morning. Good luck!

Fine Print: Actual raccoons are NOT eligible to win.


  1. If I could chill with Rocket for a day, I'd probably want to go fight some Badoon, meet the other Guardians of the Galaxy, and pull pranks on Cosmo.

  2. I think we'd probably just start off by hitting some alien strip clubs or something, and then over the course of the night things would just escalate from there to the point where by morning we couldn't look each other in the eye. It would be a night neither of us ever spoke of again, for reasons no one remembered in the first place. Oh and we'd bring Groot along and plant him in people's gardens and get him to scare the shite out of them while gardening. That would happen somewhere between the strip clubs and the best-forgotten moment of shame.

    1. Haha, wow. I got a good laugh out of this one. Thanks for the comment.

  3. First off, we'd have to hit up a space bar together. A shady cantina ala Star Wars. Preferably something filled to the brim with scum and villainy on the edge of a space port. We'd end up getting into a bar brawl before discovering that the bar is run by a space warlord. So now we're on the run from space bandits and are forced to steal a ship to escape the port. On the run I divulge to Rocket that the only reason I was hanging out with him in the first place was to win a series of comics based on his adventures from 1985. We have a falling out and end up going our separate ways. Meanwhile, the space bandits end up catching up with us and bring us to the warlord to be tortured and fed to his space slugs. Of course, Rocket came prepared and breaks out of confinement as he begins to eviscerate the guards and blast the criminals away "blammo, killed you!" before jumping on to the back of the warlord and sticking a rocket into his back and launching him out into space. We part ways on good terms and say that we should only go out for a drink if we could top the amount of fun we had the first time.

    1. I lost it at this sentence: "On the run I divulge to Rocket that the only reason I was hanging out with him in the first place was to win a series of comics based on his adventures from 1985." Very funny and creative. Thanks for the comment!

  4. I would watch horrible movies with him! I wanna see him flip out about crappy movies and actors. I would record it and have my very own Rocket Raccoon Twilight Saga commentary! Just have him flip out, swearing, calling actors names, just laying into people! i would also get his opinions on movie news!

    1. Rocket Raccoon meets Mystery Science Theater. I like. Thanks for the comment!

  5. We would attend parties cosplaying as various obscure alien races, take selfies to post on Intergalactic Facebook, and start a bar fight. Then we'd just hang out and smoke something illegal. ;)

    1. Sounds like a regular Friday night for me. haha, JK. Thanks for the comment.

  6. Troll Cosmo.

    1. That seems to be a popular answer. haha. Thanks for the comment.

  7. Have a few points and let adventure find us, that's the way the Guardians do it.

    1. Very true. You would fit right in with The Guardians. Thanks for the comment!

  8. First of all I'd make the ultimate Marvel Team-Up of myself, Rocket, and DEADPOOL! (How cool would a Rocket and Deadpool Team-up be?! Get on it Marvel!). Anyway, the shenanigans would begin there. First, we would start off by prank calling the Avengers mansion (Put Thor on the line! Rocket: "Is your refrigerator running?" Thor: "I say thee nay!"), the Baxter Building, etc. Couldn't get Rocket and Deadpool together without finding out who the better marksman is, so we take it to Knowhere and have a shooting frenzy in the bar taking out all the bottles. Join up with the Guardians, fight some Badoon (the usuals), and finally, showing Rocket the casting rumors for his role in the new movie while he reveals who his number one choice is, and then wrapping the night up by hitting the big screen in Knowhere for a MST3000 style movie marathon of all the "other" Marvel movies such as Daredevil, Elektra, Ghost Rider, etc. If only it could really happen...

    1. Rocket Raccoon and Deadpoll. I wouldn't be surprised if somebody at Marvel was already throwing that idea around.

  9. We'd knock over Thanos' bins and rifle through his trash.

  10. We would go hang out in a bar for a full 24 hours

  11. Hang with Rocket for a day? Drunken starship rides through deep space. Alcoholic debauchery on Halfworld, let's go.

  12. We would hit up the local pub on a Friday night and enjoy a couple of brews- preferably some Arrogant Bastard Ale and Fat Tire. After munching down on some bacon burgers and garlic Parmesan fries we would hit up a local house party in the hills of LA , while we rolled in a 68 cadillac bumping "little green bag" by the George Baker Selection. If the party was lame, we would hit up a swingers club that was low lighted and had a live swing band present. Talk to a couple of ladies, buy a couple of drinks and call it a night.

  13. Whatever the flark we want.

  14. Since talking raccoon's don't exist or do they? We would go around and troll people. Maybe bring Groot with us and seriously freak people out. We'll head out and find the cast of Beaches so Rocket can get his special edition DVD signed. We'll head out to Amsterdam, and have a night we'll never remember.

  15. I'd start the day by asking him why in that youtube video of him stealing those cats food, why he started out on all four feet, and then after going back the second time he opted to run away on two feet clutching the cat food with his death grip? Also why he didnt just blow those cats away with one of his many weapons of choice?
    After finding out the answers to the questions that keep me up all night, we would definately go to best local tattoo parlour and get matching lower back tattoos! Yes unfortunately Rocket would have to get partially shaved for this, but those Miley Cyrus twerking tattoos would totally be worth it! But an hour after getting the tattoos Rocket and I both realized we made a huge mistake! The all too current pop culture reference being permanently inked onto our bodies...what were we thinking! After crying on each others shoulders Rocket and I would decide to go to the nearest fast food joint to eat our sorrows away...but to our dismay the management would for some unknown reason say that raccoons weren't allowed...can you believe that?!?! Appearantly there are health code violations about raccoons being unsanitary...which Rocket took serious offense at and decided to teach them a lesson by pulling out a sawed off shotgun and blowing away half there kitchen! After then spending several hours in the animal control office, I would finally get to bail out which point we'd decide to call it a day for fear that we'd make yet another terrible decision that one of us would end up regretting.


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