Cool Stuff: Guardians Artwork by Alberto Navajo

On one of my few features into Tumblr (I'm still very new to it all, so I'm dipping my toes into the water slowly, so to speak.) I came across this amazing artist, penciler Alberto Navajo. A big Guardians fan himself, he has graciously allowed me to share his artwork with you all here. Be sure to check out the rest of his DeviantArt page ( and his Tumblr page at ( to see the rest of his amazing artwork! Check out more after the jump!

The following pages Alberto says are 
"A Guardians of the Galaxy four-page story done for practice"

Page 1                                                                                         Page 2

Page 3                                                                                                    Page 4

Thanks to Alberto Navajo for sharing his incredible Guardians of the Galaxy art with us!


  1. I really dig his Rocket and Groot, especially with the whole team on Page 2.

    1. This guy is awesome. Bendis should give him a chance to illustrate GOTG.

    2. Thank you for all the praise! Glad you like my work.

      I always have fun drawing the Guardians, so I'll keep doing this kind of illustrations. And a GOTG book is definetely a dream project for me.

      Keep up with the good work on this blog. See you at Knowwhere!
