Cosmo Tuesday Poll Results: 9/10/13

The poll results are in! The question was 'Will Guardians of the Galaxy become a film franchise?' And this week, the winning answer is...

Yes, I'm confident.

 62% of our visitors were optimistic that Guardians of the Galaxy will be the first of many films, while 35% were "really not sure." 4%, however, did not believe that Guardians would become a franchise

Thanks to everyone who took part in the poll!

At Guard the Galaxy, we mostly focus on the newest incarnation of the Guardians of the Galaxy, but we can't forget where it all started.

This week's poll:
'Who is your favorite original Guardian?'


  1. Didn't vote in the last poll cause my answer'd be a bit complicated. You see, I would, of course, love to see Guardians become a full film franchise, but I am not sure if it will receive the support from everyone else for that to happen. I *know* the movie will be awesome, but awesomeness does not always get recognized by the mainstream (take Rocket Raccoon, for instance).

    In regard to this week's poll. Hey, I'm with the modern Guardians all the way, so my favorite member of the future (original) team would have to be ol' Vance who teamed a fair bit with the modern team.

    1. I agree. I have complete trust in Marvel. I think they do a miraculous job marketing their movies and so far none of them have flopped. I'm hoping its connection to The Avengers will put people in the seats on August 1st.

      I have a feeling Vance is going to win this poll by a longshot, since most people on here don't know much about the old Guardians.

    2. I agree entirely. I only hope more main-stream people are able to embrace this fandom and love it at least half as much as we do. I can only hope /something/ will spawn from this; sequel, cartoon, animated movies, more comics, something!

      I actually did read a little of the original team as a kid, and I enjoyed Starhawk and Yondu much more than Vance. But I've always been that way. I rarely like the "leader" types, unless they're the type that in real life you'd go "yeah, that person has no business leading anything". lol


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