EDITORIAL: Guardians of the Galaxy 2 Casting Ideas (Part 1)

With all the talk of Guardians of the Galaxy becoming Marvel Studio's newest movie franchise, many Guardians fans are daydreaming about where the franchise could go after the first movie. Will Marvel Studios follow The Avengers formula, and add new team members to "The Guardians" with each film? With such a vast and impressive history of team members, here's the characters we'd like to see in the sequel (if there ever is a sequel) and who we'd like to see play them. More after the jump!

Who she is:
Mantis is often described as a martial artist with telepathic and psychic abilities. Although she is often of use to the team with her psychic powers, Mantis can also hold her own in a fight and on the battlefield. She has acted as a mediator for the team, using her psychic powers to make sure that all members are working well with each other.

Why she should appear:
Mantis played a very large role in the Abnett/Lanning run of the comics. Peter Quill asked her to tamper with the other member's minds to get them to join. One could say that she is the main reason that the Guardians of the Galaxy formed in the first place. Some may wonder if two green skinned ladies may be too much for one film, but I assure you, Mantis is a very different character than Gamora. Mantis is undeniably gentler and kinder, and I believe there would be great contrast between the two ladies.

Who should play her:
For the role of Mantis, I would cast Jewel Staite, best known for starring in the cult show, Firefly. On that show, Staite's character, Kaylee, watched after the space-ship "Serenity," while the rest of the crew were out on missions, similar to Mantis staying on Knowhere. Although Mantis is not as bubbly a character as Kaylee, they both have a kind nature about them. She would also be an affordable and recognizable actress for the role, since Staite hasn't really had any large roles since Firefly. It also doesn't hurt that Marvel Studio's go-to guy, Joss Whedon, already has a working relationship with Jewel Staite. He's the one who created Firefly!
Who he is:
Cosmo is a talking dog. You heard me. A talking dog. Not only can he talk, but he is super-intelligent. There's not too much that we know about his origin, but it's believed that he came from a old Soviet space-program. Just like Mantis, Cosmo is also telepathic. He is extremely capable of reading minds, and can also create energy shields. Cosmo has been an ally to the Guardians in the past. He was the head of security for Knowhere, a space-ship that acted as the Guardians' headquarters.

Why he should appear:
It would be extremely easy to fit Cosmo into the movie by changing his origin. If Marvel is able to convince people that a talking raccoon isn't cheesy, Marvel could do the same thing for Cosmo. We could find out that Cosmo was given his ability to speak the same way that Rocket was. Also, the relationship between Cosmo and Rocket in the comics is hilarious. They can't stand each other, as is probably in their nature as animals.

Who should play him:
I would choose Nick Nolte. Cosmo is an old dog, so it would be understandable for him to have an old, growly voice. Nolte would also lend some acting credibility to the character and undoubtedly add depth to the talking dog. As seen in the movie Warrior, Nolte can play a gentle, loving character, as well as gritty and angry. This is the essential duality that whoever plays Cosmo would need to convey. It should also be of note that Cosmo has a very distinct Russian accent, but I don't think it would be needed for the film if you change his origin.

Adam Warlock
Who he is:
Adam Warlock has been around in Marvel Comics since the 1960's. He is something of a cosmic Christ-figure, who was created to be the perfect human being. He has worked with Drax and Gamora in the past to protect The Infinity Gems, after successfully leading The Avengers and others to reclaim The Infinity Gauntlet from Thanos.

Why he should appear:
Adam Warlock has a deep history in Marvel Comics. He has also been closely connected to Thanos, who is playing a large role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. If Marvel Studios decides to bring The Infinity Gauntlet into Avengers 3, introducing Adam Warlock in Guardians of the Galaxy 2 would be a great way to bring him into the universe. That's without even mentioning that he spent some time on the Guardians roster during the Abnett/Lanning run.
Who should play him:
Ryan Gosling has a certain charm and coolness about him, which is how I have always pictured the Adam Warlock of the past. Gosling can also bring intensity and depth to Warlock, who is a very deep character, indeed. Although Adam Warlock would be a challenging character to pull off, if adapted verbatim from the comics, I'm sure Marvel Studios would benefit from Gosling's star-power.

What do you think of our casting decisions? Who you would cast in these roles? Also, what other Guardians would you like to see show up in the sequel? Drop us a comment below. And keep an eye out for Part Two!


  1. Sometimes, it's like you freaking read my mind. I was thinking just earlier how I wish we'd strike up a conversation just like this.

    I wouldn't have thought of Jewel Staite, but that's BRILLIANT. Love her! She'd be a PERFECT Mantis!

    I want Doug Jones as Bug.
    Morena Baccarin for Moondragon.
    Tricia Helfer for Phyla-Vell.
    (I'll be in my bunk.)
    I'm not sure I'm feeling Gosling for Warlock. I'm not gonna say it's bad, because I think I'd be interested to see what he does with the character. But I'm gonna throw out James Marsters, because I feel that he can do a really good hero, and a villain, so he could do Magus if needed.
    I'm also going to say Taylor Kitsch for Jack Flag. I like the kid. I dug him as Gambit and I actually really enjoyed John Carter. So. There ya go.

    1. Those are all good picks, especially Baccarin and Jones. Ryan Gosling has continued to surprise me as an actor. It would definitely be a different type of role for him, but I could see him doing an outstanding job. Out of curiosity, who would you cast as Nova?

    2. Nova... I think that's a role a lot of different /could/ play. I think I'd learn towards Charlie Hunnam for Nova. I think he's got the right look, the right age, and the right attitude to have the right chemistry on screen with Zoe's Gamora. I think that's important, is not just who would do well with the character, but how they'd look on screen next to these other actors and characters. If I was casting a Nova solo movie, I might say differently, I think.

      I've only seen Gosling in softer roles. Rom-coms. And so it's really hard for me to see him as someone like Adam Warlock. I'd /love/ to see him play a villain. A real, nasty, bad guy. If he did Warlock, I'd want Magus in there, for sure. I like seeing actors in crazy roles that they don't normally play.

    3. Charlie Hunnam is a great actor, but now he's too busy playing in porn for teenage girls and soccer moms. haha jk. I could definitely see him having a good chemistry with Zoe Saldana as Gamora. I think it's my biggest hope for the Marvel Cinematic Universe that Nova get his own film.

      If you want to see Gosling in some different roles, watch Drive, Half Nelson, or Blue Valentine. All three are really depressing but it shows his acting ability more than the romcoms he's been in.

    4. I'll definitely check those out. The wife and I just watched Gangster Squad not that long ago, and while I really enjoyed him in that, it was still the same, charming, schmoozing, stereotypical 'cool guy' role. It wasn't that far from his role in Crazy, Stupid, Love. Which I loved! Just, not outside his comfort zone. So I'll definitely have to check those movies out.

  2. Jewel Staite would be a great choice for Mantis. As someone who is a huge Firefly fan, it would be great to see someone else from the show brought into the MCU. Mantis would also be a great addition to the team and be a good way of showing some expansion within their ranks. The line up as it stands are pretty much all heavy-hitters, so to see a few characters introduced who can serve in more of a supportive role for the teammates would be a good thing. The fact that she can also hold her own in a fight and is a very accomplished martial artist in her own right is something else the team could benefit from.
    Nick Nolte is an excellent choice for Cosmo, and I think I would have a tough job coming up with someone who could play the role better than him. His voice is perfect, and his performance in Warrior is one of the best I have ever seen; that scene when he is outside his son's house and trying to talk to him had me on the verge of tears. As for Cosmo, again he would be a good way of expanding the team's ranks and introducing some characters that have something to offer other than fighting skills. I would keep the Russian accent, but. His broken-English dialect is one of my favourite things about him and a big part of his personality, in my eyes at least. So I think it would be cool to incorporate that into the movie.
    As for Ryan Gosling, I'm just not sure if he would be the right choice for Adam Warlock. When Gosling first started appearing in movies I didn't pay him any attention, but he's done a few recently that have won me over; particularly Gangster Squad. As you said he has coolness and charm about him, and I think he would be a great addition to the MCU, but I think there's other characters he would maybe be better suited for. My attitude towards Adam Warlock is that sooner or later they'll have to do The Magus and I think being able to convey the duality in both sides of the character is the most important thing when it comes to which actor should play him. As much as I like Gosling and think he'd be a great leading man, I'm just not sure if he would be the most well-suited to the task. Having said that, if they were to cast him in the role, I would be willing to give him a shot.

    1. I'm a HUGE Firefly fan, and a total Whedonite, and I'm pretty sure I could cast every movie ever using only Whedonverse characters. lol If you were going to cast the rest of Firefly into the MMU, who would you cast them as?

      I was going to answer that question with my own suggestions, but after giving it a moments thought, I'm going to have to /really/ think about it... lol

    2. Sarah Michelle Gellar as Phyla-Vell?

    3. Lol, I know you feel. Cast lists for potential movies are things I often think about, and I think as a rule of thumb the cast of Firefly are included in pretty much every one. Ray Stevenson, too.

      I think if I were casting the Firefly cast in the MCU, first of all I would have Alan Tudyk as Henry Pym. He has been my number one choice for that role ever since I first watched Firefly, and Dollhouse had me all the more convinced. One of my favourite things about Pym was that he was a little unstable mentally, I've always thought that the range Tudyk showed from Wash to Alpha would make him perfect for Pym. A close second is Fran Kranz, who I think would also be great for the part.

      I've always thought Ron Glass would be great for The Grandmaster. His age and his voice just give off the kind of vibe that I always envisioned for the Elders Of The Universe. Adam Baldwin would have been good as either Hawkeye or Crossbones, but I'm very happy with Renner and Frank Grillo being in those roles. I think Morena Baccarin would have made a really good Wasp, or even Moondragon as you suggested yourself. I was hoping she would have landed the role of Maria Hill back when they were auditioning for it, but Cobie Smulders turned out to be a great choice. I'm not sure who I'd cast Nathan Fillion as. He's a great leading man, but I've just never been able to really lock in on one character lol. Gina Torres, Summer Glau and Sean Maher I would need to sit down and really think about as there's no characters that really jump out for them, but they'd all be great additions as well. I'd get Amy Acker in there in some capacity too, just on account of her being perfect! Lol.

      The Whedonverse alone just has so many fantastic actors to choose from. We could be here all day.

    4. SMG would probably make a wonder Phyla. When I was making my casting list, I ran through a list of blondes in my head and went "Who would I rather see make out with Morena on the big screen?"

      At first I went "Alan for Pym!?" but the more I think about it, the more I agree.
      I always wanted Nathan for Green Lantern, instead of Ryan Reynolds, so he's a hard choice for me to cast in the Marvel U. Also, he's not getting any younger. So I don't feel like I can cast him as, say, Nova, the Marvel equivalent to GL, along side Chris Pratt's Star-Lord. (Not that I think he'd be a good Nova, just an example.)
      I would've cast Gina Torres as Storm. I've always hated Hally Berry's Storm. Storm supposed to be regal and graceful... she's been worshiped as Goddess. I think Gina could pull that off.
      Adam Baldwin... Beta Ray Bill, maybe? I wanted Jensen Ackles for Hawkeye.
      Summer Glau might be an alternate choice for Mantis, seeing as Mantis is also so physical.
      Sean Maher needs to be Black Bolt's crazy brother. That scene with him and Groot from the comics, I can just see Sean really owning that.
      Amy Acker should be in everything. Doesn't even have to be anything big and important.
      We need to cast Nicholas Brendon in there somewhere. Dude needs to work more. Also, I miss Andy Hallett and Glenn Quinn.

    5. Also, we HAVE to cast Christina Hendricks. I can't cast a movie and not cast her in it.

    6. Remember SMG's kiss scene from Cruel Intentions. I'm sure she's game. haha. I thought of Summer Glau for Mantis, but I've never been a huge fan of her. Maybe Christina Hendricks could play one of Black Bolt's wives.

    7. That's true! I forgot about that movie. I need to watch that again... Christina Hendricks, being a red-head, could be Medusa... I'm for it. Contact Marvel. Tell them, between this thread and the franchise thread, we got all laid out for them.

  3. Some great casting ideas here, and I think I agree with all of them. I would contribute some ideas, but I've never been very good at the prospective casting game.

    1. Haha, it's okay. I've never been great at it either. It took me two days to write this editorial because I wanted to make sure my casting decisions were good. lol

  4. ok... I may have some thoughts that may or may not be popular.

    Richard Rider - Aaron Johnson. hes a great comedic actor. Just the right ammount of mix of humour and seriousness

    Adam Warlock - definately Ryan Gosling. Watch his film 'Drive'. You dont get to understand his character till the end when he flips! total contrast of how you perceived the character.

    (I'm gonna get shot down here...) Ive gotta say Ive never been too impressed with many of the cosmic female characters. Ive found theyre pretty one dimensional. Being superpowered doesnt automatically mean personality. Which is why I love ALL of Whedons girls but I wont mention em here. So Id like to see some female actresses who can take the characters and make them theyre own.

    Phyla - Jennifer Lawrence. ok so shes mystique but who cares. You seen her in Silverlinings playbook? She can do quirky very well.

    Moondragon - Amanda Seyfried. Google her face and imagine her bald. you'll see it.

    1. The only reason I'd say Aaron Johnson should't be Nova, is if he's paired with Zoe's Gamora. There's too much of an age difference there for me. Standalone movie, or not pairing him with Gamora, and I'm fine with this.

      I obviously need to watch Drive. Badly. lol

      I think I could handle Jennifer as Phyla if Amanda is Moondragon. That pairing is fine with me. Ages are appropriate and I think they'd work well together. I will say, I'm not a big Amanda Seyfried fan. Her eyes creep me out a little. I haven't seen Silverlining Playbook, I've only seen Lawrence in X-Men and Hunger Games, but I hear really good things about Playbook.

      Very interesting choices!

    2. yeah I pictured Jennifer and Amanda (her eyes are AMAZING! and just like Moondragons) together. I tried to imagine a more Willow/Tara kinda relationship rather than a slutty Cruel Intentions kinda thing. In the wrong hands it would be awful! Imagine if Michael Bay was directing....urrgghhhh. Get Joss on this one!

      I reckon Zoe and Aaron would be perfect! and very funny. She would be this older experienced cooger for want of a better term and hes this young naive cocky guy not knowing what he was letting himself in for. Besides in the real world Aaron is married to a 46 yr old with 2 kids!

  5. Wow. Awesome article. Some great choices there.

    I'd like to see:
    Patrick Wilson as Bug
    Channing Tatum as Nova
    Charlie Hunnam as Warlock
    Taylor Kitsch as Jack Flag

    That's all I could really come up with for now. Really hope this does become a series.


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