Cool Stuff: Guardians Fan Art

Hey, guys. Lokein Lyesmith, here. So, I'm browsing the Interwebs for Guardians of the Galaxy stuff (as we all do at 10pm, right?). And I come across this awesome artwork and I felt it would've been a shame to keep it all to myself. So I'm sharing it here with you guys. Also, on the website I found this art on, is a small interview with the artist about his feelings on GotG. Now, keep in mind, this is kind of old; we're looking at Vol. 2 Guardians here, and that's what the interview is about. Okay. Enough from me. On to the eye-candy!

Individual character pics and interview after the jump! 

(Interview source: ToysREvil)
Interview Date: 01-31-12

TOYSREVIL: I see your Guardians of the Galaxy characters are from the recent storyline - where the Star-Lord forms the group, and Vance Astro returns with his memory lost (I got so excited seeing Starhawk!). What got you into drawing them? How are the Guardians connected to you? And why this incarnation and not the earlier version?

PATRICIO OLIVER: Actually I wasn't a fan of the original team! as a matter of fact I found them pretty lame. But since Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning started to be the architects of a whole new era from the Space oriented marvel characters I started to adore them little by little in titles like Nova or Annihilation. These team was so dysfunctional and yet so funny and bizarre that I couldn't help loving them.

TOYSREVIL: Who is your fav character in the group? And who was the most difficult to re-design for?

PATRICIO OLIVER: Actually I like many of them! Rocket Raccoon is definitely a winner in terms of personality and looks same as Cosmo the Russian telepathic dog ( he could be a character from The Tenebrae, as a matter of fact…). Groot is amazing and really hard to do! I don't adore my Groot version but I don't hate it either. Actually I had a really hard time doing both Groot and Mantis ( I think those are my less fav illustrations from the set).

Unfortunately, those seem to be the only solo-pics available. This next picture is a fan-fic concept by the artist for a Cadets of the Galaxy team. Check out his personal page at the bottom of the post!

JOLT, (human), first appearance Thunderbolts #1 
DOP`TIS, (Half Mephitisoid) (Hepzibath race) New character 
TYRO, (Technarch) first appearance Nova #11 
ERNST. (Mutant Human) First Appearance New Xmen #135 
NO - Girl (Mutant Human) First Appearance New Xmen #118 
Sister NIL, (Demon) First Appearance Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme #60 
Alaris (Inhuman) First Appearance Inhumans V4 #1 
Lord Kofi Whitemane (Kymellian) First Appearance Power Pack #16 
Black Angel (Eternal) First Appearance Hero For Hire #6 
Feron (human Mage) First Appearance Excalibur #48 
Nikoh, (Reject) First Appearance X-factor # 45 
K´ARAX, (Half Shiar) New Character

Artist's Website: Patricio Oliver (PO!)


  1. Wow. These are I wish I was half as talented as this artist.

  2. What do you guys think of the Cadets teams? Could a teenage Guardians work?

    I don't think it's a terrible idea, but I doubt it has the staying-power of the Guardians. I'm not sure it could be another Teen Titans, but it could definitely be a fun mini series.

    Anybody you think should be on the team that PO! didn't include?

    1. Maybe in the future, once the Guardians are a household name.


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