EDITORIAL: Guardians of the Galaxy/Avengers Crossover

I think we've all heard the rumors of an Avengers/Guardians of the Galaxy crossover movie. Just imagine the possibilities of what this movie could be about, and what might happen. Will we see a comedic exchange between Peter Quill and Tony Stark? Will we see Drax and Hulk team up to unleash some destruction upon villains?

We could probably safely say if this movie crossover happens, it'll be set on Earth. Even though it might be interesting for an Avengers movie to take place on a different planet, or even a space fight, that might not capture the audience like a massive superhero smackdown on the streets of New York City. The first Avengers movie had an epic amount of devastation and from what we've seen from the filming of the Guardians of the Galaxy movie, we should expect some major destruction.

If the crossover does happen, we probably won't see it until The Avengers 3. Ultron will be the main villain for The Avengers: Age of Ultron, and we have seen the tease for Thanos. An ultimate Marvel showdown between the heroes and Thanos is probably the plan for Marvel. Thanos has tangled with both teams throughout the years and Thanos is one of the top villains that could pose a very real threat to the entire universe, just as he's done many times before.

We all know that the Marvel Universe movies have been created with a certain amount of interaction between the various movies and now even the Agents of Shield TV series. So it is very possible that for a grand finale at the end of the Phase Three we could see an Avengers/Guardians of the Galaxy movie. I think all of us comic fans are eagerly anticipating this event.


  1. It would be awesome. And if/when it happens, it'd be great if we some of the sort of banter between Rocket and Tony that has been happening in Guardians v3. Heh.

    1. I agree, the banter has been some of my favorite moments. Which makes me think of something. Leo, I wanna ask you and Cameron, and anyone else can throw in their 2cents. I've heard a lot of complaints about the book on a forum I'm on. "Bendis has no idea who these characters are", especially Peter, and how gimmicky he's made Rocket. Do you guys feel that the characters have changed all that much in Volume 3 from Volume 2? I think Peter's a little different, seems like he's let go of some of the baggage he'd been carrying. Gamora seems /more/ defined to me, if anything. And I just don't see a huge difference in Rocket. He might be a tad more sarcastic and snarky than before, they may have dialed that up a little, but not a huge change. I'm just not sure I understand where these guys are coming from, and I have a sneaking suspicion it's just hate for Bendis for the sake of hating Bendis. Thoughts?

    2. I really don't think Rocket's has changed *that* much from v2. And, if he has, he went through a lot in v2 and Thanos Imperative (thinking Peter died after), and then returning to Halfworld and having his true memories restored (the darker true reality replacing the pseudo-happy-ending reality which, while buried, was still there), finding out his the one love of his life has moved on in the process. Maybe all of that has given him more of an edge. But, I think, Bendis does a fine job with Rocket (and the other Guardians, for that matter).

    3. I'm enjoying the new comic and ive been defending it up to now but I feel it doesn't come close to vol2. I've really really wanted to love it just as much and I've kinda been kidding myself.
      The following are a few of my thoughts and I haven't discussed them before as I wanted to give vol3 a good go before I commented.

      The fight scenes don't feel as epic and are slightly forced. The original opener with the guardians fighting the Universal Church of Truth for example had so much depth to it.

      I miss the debriefing logs. There was a lot of humour in them. You got more of an insight to their characters and how they were feeling.

      I'm not much digging ironman in it. It just seems like he's been shoe horned in and doesn't fit. Rockets banter with him has it's moments though.

      It feels like Bendis took the characters too literately ie Rocket loves big guns and shooting things so that's what he'll do and we'll give him a catchphrase. Its as if Rockets been written from bullet points from a piece of paper handed to him. It's lost the relationships and the camaraderie. One of the reasons I fell in love with GOTG was the dialogue between Pete and Rocket. It seemed natural and not forced as if these were fully fleshed out characters who had a deep understanding and respect for each other.

      On a whole Vol2 was more epic. GOTG was born from the annihilation wave. With nova corps gone, a team needed to be established to prevent these big catastrophes. They WERE guardians of the galaxy. Not just a team name like it is now.

      And other stuff that I miss...

      Cosmo v rocket
      The uniform
      Artwork - even though I think the current art is great I don't like Rocket :-( for me that sucks as he's my fave (like everybody else's)

      To me vol3 has been rushed. Put on the shelves quickly before the movie. Putting ironman in to get it more popular. Vol3 is more of an reimagination of GOTG rather than a continuation.

      I thought the free infinite comics were great especially Groots. Loved it at the end with Rocket making an appearance finding his 'ol buddy. It had that warm fuzzy feeling.

      Im not a bendis hater at all, however im routing for him to write GOTG in the way that I felt about vol2. Maybe that's personal preference but on the whole so far I am a little disappointed. That all being said I shall continue reading and enjoying it. It's still my favourite comic.

    4. I can see your points, especially about Rocket. But I'm willing to give them leniency, because I feel like this volume, at least so far, is trying to accomplish a bigger goal that just being a GotG book. We don't have as much banter with Peter and Rocket, because there's been little room for it. Rocket and Iron Man have had those moments instead.

      Which brings me to Iron Man. I get, from a business stands point, bringing in a more popular character to kick off a lesser-known (outside of Marvel readers, anyway) title. StarGate: Atlantis kicked off it's first episode with characters from SG1. Shows continuity and helps the fans feel a little better, seeing old characters talking to the new ones. (Or maybe it's like Blues Clues when Steve brought in Joe for a couple weeks so it wouldn't traumatize the kiddies...) But after the first or second issue, I got sick of seeing Iron Man. He's redundant now. Send him home.

      I do miss the debriefing logs, that's true. But I'm okay with the new looks. You need to shake it up every once in a while. I like Gamora's armor. She can be deadly and sexy while completely covered in a suit that's functional. I really like that. I do wish they'd pick a style for Peter and stick with it. I like them all, and of course have my favorites, but he keeps jumping around. It's weird.

      I'm over-analyzing this volume because I'm jonesin' really bad for the next issue, can you tell? lol!

    5. Like anything this comic is about money. Iron Man wouldn't be in it otherwise. I completely understand Marvels process. The bigger picture. I can't wait for this movie however if this movie wasn't in the works do you think we would have this latest GOTG comic? Unfortunately nowadays it's not about the creative process it's all about Hollywood and box office. Was GOTG vol2 written with a movie in mind? No. They were written for the love of the medium by the authors. They plucked these characters out of obscurity and made them so believable and became our most beloved space heroes! My favourite Marvel character is a racoon for gods sake! I hate to say this but vol3 is like a 'GOTG FOR DUMMIES'
      I have to say one thing though about the new comic. Gamora. I agree... Sexy and functional. Finally a female character without her anatomy out. And it's as if Joss has intervened and educated the artists how to depict women in comics. I LOVED his astonishing xmen. Kitty Pryde. Finally a non sexualised self sacrificing female character....... I just realised i maybe going off on a tangent here. i'm a feminist so had to get it off my chest.

      I suppose what I'm trying to say is (in my opinion) we'd have a better comic if there wasn't a movie coming out in 2014.

    6. It's obvious that Vol3 was created to raise awareness of the Guardians property. Marvel put their top guy, Bendis, at the helm to usher the Guardians into the mainstream. As great as the DnA run was, it was a small part of a larger story. A lot of it would be confusing to new readers. Volume 3, however, is standalone and a great introduction to these characters. I don't feel like Bendis has ruined these characters. Do they each seem a little different now? Yes. Do they seem completely different? No. They are still the characters I have come to love.

      I think that anytime a new writer comes along in comics, the characters tend to change a little. I mean, think about how much Abnett and Lanning put their own spin on these characters. It's because of them that Groot doesn't really say much else besides "I am Groot." And Drax is a completely different character than the 80's and 90's Drax who could barely put a sentence together.

      After going back and reading Annihilation Conquest and Volume 2, I can definitely say that volume 3, in my opinion, is nowhere near as good, but it's still enjoyable nonetheless. And if it brings in enough fans to keep Guardians around for decades to come, more power to it.

      And who knows? Maybe Abnett and Lanning will take the reigns again one day.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Edit: Sorry had a couple typos.

      I will not disagree, v2 was overall better, but mostly because it was just that great. It would simply be very difficult to improve upon what v2 was (near perfect). Marvel did mention somewhere that one the aims of NOW is to narrow the gap between the movie universe and the comic universe. So, yes, v3 probably is trying to make the characters closer to the version of the characters we will see in the movie.

      What I am wondering, are retcons part of this. Peter is no longer in the Cancerverse and someone else is back. Is thia the result of both escaping in a normal way or has history somehow been changed in the wake of Age of Ultron. If so, I'm wondering if any of the Guardians' histories have changed (it was hinted at in the last issue that there may have been some timeline disruption). I'd *rather*, though, that the characterization differences be a result of different creative interpretation because I am not a big fan of changing character's histories. (I know it kind of happened for Rocket in his Annihilators side feature, but I approved of the way that was done. And Rocket's true history made more sense than his fake one, in a way)

    2. Replying specifically to the retcon subject: that's the one thing that has honestly bothered me about this book. I wish they'd be clear on what we're seeing here. Is it a retcon? A reboot? A "re-en-visioning"? I know part of that is the big mystery between how Peter came back, and there's a reveal there that they're protecting, and I get that. But so much else has changed and is different, Peter's hair color, the slight tweeks in his origin story, it makes it confusing.

      Okay, about the DnA being near-perfect. If they take GotG Vol3 in the direction they have been, I see it being a different kind of story, and for me, incomparable. They could both be perfect, and not better than the other, because they're different types of stories. DnA was huge, epic, Star Wars kind of stuff. And Vol3 seems to be more like... Firefly. Smaller scale (the Infinity event excluded), more focused on this little group and their smaller issues rather than the galaxy as a whole and them trying to fix large-scale issues. That's just how I feel about it, anyway.

  3. I've been looking over some info from the comics and one thing that has been in my mind is how easily they could introduce an Annihilation Conquest story for GotG 2. A few instances in the comics, Ultron took over Iron Man's armor, which is probably what they are basing A2 on. Ultron could be established in Avengers 2 and once defeated, his consciousness thrown into space, setting up the Annihilation Conquest story. Ronan and the Nova corps will be introduced in GotG so perhaps Ronan will change sides by the end, Nova will have a small role to introduce him and Warlock as well, and then be on the Guardians team in the second movie. I doubt there will be a GotG/Avngers team-up, but if it does happen I would love to see it. Just thinking about a live action Thanos throwing down has got me excited lately.

    1. I'm hoping that we see a Guardians of the Galaxy/Annihilation Conquest movie and then an Avengers/Infinity Gauntlet movie.


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