Guardians of the Galaxy Giveaway: Angela Edition

It's that time again. As most of you probably know by now, we like to show our appreciation for our fellow Galaxians from time to time and give away really cool prizes, in exchange for really cool comments. In the past, we have given away a variety of Guardians of the Galaxy comics, trade paperbacks, and action figures.

This time, we will be giving away a very cool Deluxe Edition Angela Action Figure (pictured on the right). For those of you who don't know by now, Angela is the latest foe to take on the Guardians of the Galaxy in their current run of comics. She has been featured in the last two issues of Guardians, while originally appearing in Todd McFarlane's Spawn years ago. This action figure is from the 90's but it's still in it's original packaging. This is must have for any Guardians fan who wants to reenact the girl-fight between Angela and Gamora right in the comfort of their mother's basement.

All you need to do to win is drop a comment below and answer the question: "Who is your all-time favorite villainess (movies or comics)?" The best comment will receive the prize, free of charge. The winner will be announced two week from now, on Friday, October 18th. Good luck to all!


  1. My favorite villainess, by far, would have to be to be Mystique from X-Men. Not only is she deadly, but she can turn into any woman you want. Wish my girlfriend had that power. haha

  2. Sorry, gotta go DC here. My favorite all time villainess would have to be Harley Quinn. Not only is she downright scary in her commitment and infatuation with the Joker she has a super creepy but also (sexy?) costume and mask. She definitely echoes the Joker but she has a style and dark playfulness that's all her own. I honestly think she would eat Catwoman for breakfast. There aren't many female sociopaths cooler than Harley Quinn. Also she makes the best female cos-players. ;)

  3. Fav has to be Talia al Ghul. Pure Evil.

  4. Lady Deathstrike is the true badass.... Did everyone see the battle between her and X-23????

  5. Mystique and Lady Bullseye.

  6. Favorite villainess in a movie is without a doubt Michelle Pfeiffer as Catwoman in Batman Returns. That role will never again be what she did. It was perfection.

    As far as comics? Spiral has always done it for me.

    1. I loved her in that movie! What's your e-mail address?

  7. I'd have to go with Shriek from the Amazing Spider-man. Her relationship with Carnage has always freaked me out.

  8. I don't know if we're supposed to have a comic (or comic-movie) related one or not, but I'm gonna throw out a television character. My pick is Nina Myers from 24, pure evil and puts several comic characters to shame.

  9. Nebula! The fact that she's ruthless with her piracy! And she always finds a way to get out of custody on Titan. Plus a really cute girl is playing her in the movie ;)

  10. Lady Death. She started out pure and innocent and turned into the baddest bitch in Hell, and she knows it. She's a diva, a rockstar and always gets her way. Not only is she sexy but she's manipulative and posh and loves to taunt those around her with her attire by showing off her awesome body but never letting anyone get too close to her.

  11. One not listed yet and can be a real pain if you cross paths with her is the Enchantress. She knows what she wants and sometimes gets it.

  12. Cat Woman. She has been around forever and she super sexy.


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