Lyesmith's GOTG Tin-Foil-Hat Ramblings and Speculations

A message from Cameron: "Hello Galaxians! Fellow contributor Lokein Lyesmith comes up with the best theories pertaining to Guardians of the Galaxy and anything Marvel-related than anyone I know. In this post, Lyesmith discusses the current Guardians of the Galaxy comic by Brian Michael Bendis, presenting a few theories and speculations that he has, based on the latest happening of the Marvel universe. It's a very entertaining read! Enjoy!" 

So some things have caught my eye the last week or so that I'd like to share with everyone, and get your opinions on. Some of it is a bit of a stretch, but given the evidence, none of it is impossible.

More after the jump!

First let's look at a couple of things.

When the time/space and reality broke, a few people felt it. Let's look at those from Age of Ultron #10.

Except for the Thing and Spider-Man scenes (which makes very little sense to me, to be honest), the Tony, Logan and Hank scenes have one big fundamental thing in common - they're all different versions of the main focal character. But what about the Star-Lord? We have Nova, Thanos, and Captain Marvel in his background. But! We're also lucky enough that this isn't the only glimpse of this that we see. Let's look at what Peter sees in Guardians of the Galaxy #5. 

Okay, so he's in a different costume here. But we have a lot more information too. 

Now, if we exclude the Thing and Spider-Man for random weirdness, the others are all showing us different realities, different versions of the main character, right? Let's look at this one. We have a female Captain Marvel that might be assumed to be current Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers. We have Nova, which can be easily assumed to be Richard Rider, who was in the Cancerverse with Peter and Thanos (In the last issue of Nova, Thanos mentions Rider, saying he's "been dealt with"). Then we have child-Peter, a male Captain Marvel, Thanos, and what looks like our current Peter with the past-version of Jean Grey! (For those not keeping up with the X-titles, Beast went back in time and brought the original 5 X-Men into present day, Jean included.) But what if this scene follows suit with the other three?

What if these are all (or mostly) Peter?

"What?!" you say. "Lyesmith, you're sniffing glue again, aren't you? That Elmer's ruins lives, dude."
Hold on. Bare with me here. Everyone in this picture whom we can, without a doubt, exclude as not being Peter are Jean and Thanos.

Everyone else /could/ be Peter. Both Marvel's share the same hair color; Carol doesn't look like that, and didn't when the comic came out. (Okay, so they gave Peter two different costumes when they did these scenes, sure. I'll give you that one.) And the other Marvel isn't even around anymore.

"What about Nova, Lyesmith? What cracked-out explanation do you have for him?" You might say.
Richard's eyes are brown (I scoured the internet for this information.) Peter's are blue. In this picture, Nova's eyes are blue. Look at Peter's eyes, and then Nova's. Eerie, huh?

I think the majority of the people in this scene are different versions of Peter. Before this, I assumed we were seeing glimpses of Peter's potential future. But if other people are just seeing themselves, maybe Peter is seeing, at least in part, different versions of himself as well, NOT visions of his future. (Gasp! What if that's Peter as THANOS!? ... okay, that's a stretch. But the rest of my theory holds water.)

Okay, Tin Foil Hat speculation #2! 

Thanos and Peter are connected. There is a REASON they came out of the Cancerverse and Richard (Nova) didn't. There is a REASON Thanos says "What will /you/ do?", then attacks Peter, who shows up later unscathed after fighting freaking THANOS. I don't think Peter CAN kill Thanos. And I don't think Thanos CAN kill Peter. I think there's something much larger going on here. I'm going to go so far as to say that I think Peter coming back has to do with Richard as well. Perhaps Richard had to sacrifice his release in order to ensure Peter got out. Or maybe even Peter sacrificed Richard in order to follow Thanos out. Either way, I think two could get out of the Cancerverse, and one had to stay behind; while leaving the Cancerverse somehow connected the two who escaped. 

Tin-Foil-Hat Rambling #3

What the crap happened to Bug?!?!

I love this guy, and I think he's great comic relief for the team. In the GotG timeline, the comic released in this order - 
Avengers Assemble #4-8, Infinite series, then the start of GotG V3.

However, in AA, they mention Earth being off limits, which didn't happen until the beginning of GotG V3, Issue 2 explains it happened six weeks before. So if the Council claimed Earth off limits in AA, and the Guardians were already together at that point, then how could Peter assemble them AGAIN in Infinite before V3 started?

The Infinite series takes place BEFORE Avengers Assemble #4-8, then GotG V3, in chronological order. If that's true, WHERE'S BUG!?!?! He's not in Infinite, he IS in AA, then he's NOT in V3. The costume changes I can allow. The disappearing and reappearing characters however, is not okay with me! I need an explanation!

Alright. Whew. I'm done. What do you think? Are we seeing possible futures for Peter, or alternate version of Peter? Are Thanos and Peter somehow connected, or did Peter manage to escape Thanos without a scratch, using his wits to get him safely away(which sounds like a silly and bland theory, who'd believe that?)? What happened to Richard Rider? Is Bug still lurking on the Guardians ship somewhere, or is he just Peter's imaginary friend that comes and goes? Let us know what you think about these crazy, probably sleep-deprivation-induced theories and give us some of your own!


  1. I'm not so sure about all of those characters being a different version of Peter, but with comics, you never know! You could be onto something there. I feel like Peter definitely made a deal with the devil (Thanos) to get out of the Cancerverse and I kind of saw this as Pete being haunted by Nova's ghost. The ending of Age of Ultron confused me, so I'm not really sure.

    Theory #2 is probably my favorite. I like the idea that Thanos and Peter are connected. I thought it was strange how Peter showed up to fight save the other Guardians from Angela after fighting Thanos (a fight that we didn't see). It definitely feels like there is more to that story.

    In fact, it feels like Bendis has set up so many storylines that haven't been resolved yet.

    Who was that in Rocket's Infinite Comic?
    Who put a hit out on Gamora and why did that mercenary guy not die?
    How did Pete get out of the Cancerverse?
    and now, What happened with Pete and Thanos?

    I'm hoping that we get resolutions to these.

    Also, with Bug, I think that Marvel dropped his character so that the comic would line up with the upcoming movie. But who knows? We still don't know who Sean Gunn is playing. It could be Bug!

    1. Ha! Sean might make a great Bug cameo! And yes, the alternate version of Peter is kind of a stretch, but with the others being different versions of themselves, it really got me re-thinking what we're seeing in Peter's scene. It may not be as straight forward as I originally thought it was. Maybe after Infinity is over, and after the Thor release, we'll see GotG issues coming in quicker and get to wrap up some of these loose-ends.

  2. What if Bendis' Star-Lord is just an evil Cancerverse version of the real Peter Quill?

    1. GASP!!!!! ... wait, doesn't that require him to have a goatee? No, that's the Mirrorverse from Star Trek I'm thinking of. Peter is actually the evil twin from the Cancerverse... holy crap, I didn't even think of that.


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