Guardians of the Galaxy News Roundup: 10/6/13

Hello Galaxians (I'm gonna use it til it catches on)! I've got a few small Guardians tidbits from the past couple of days, just for you (because I love you). No more wasting time. Let's get to it!

  • Wizkids has announced that next year, they will be releasing not one, but TWO Guardians of the Galaxy Heroclix sets. One will feature all five Guardians, as seen in the comics, and the other will be connected to the Guardians film.
  • Marvel has released an Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. variant cover for Guardians of the Galaxy #9 (pictured to the right). The cover itself has nothing whatsoever to do with Guardians, but is more of a promotional tool for Marvel Studios' first live-action TV show. Issue #9 will be dropping on November 13th, 2013, but unless you are in love with Fitz (or is it Simmons?), then you'll probably be picking up a different cover.
  • Director James Gunn took to Twitter to announce that filming for Guardians of the Galaxy will be wrapping up in a few more days.
  • Also, on his Formspring page, James Gunn confirmed that actor Bradley Cooper has already begun working on his role of Rocket Raccoon in the Guardians film. It is unknown whether or not Cooper has been on the Shepperton Studios set in London, but he could very well be recording his part from L.A. or another location.

With filming wrapping in a few days, I'm almost positive that we can expect our first production still from the movie soon. What would you like it to be? Drop us a comment below!


  1. A pitcture of the Guardians.

    1. Would be nice! I'd like to see Rocket Raccoon on Groot's shoulder pointing a gun at the camera!

  2. Thanos! But, yeah, what are the odds??

    1. Haha, I think they might be saving Thanos for Thor: The Dark World. Maybe he will show up in the after-credits scene and everyone will be like "OMG Denzel Washington (or whoever) is playing Thanos!"

  3. The day they wrap filming, New York Comic Con begins. They may have something set that weekend to show at the convention.

    Maybe a "prequel" sketch, to set the stage for the movie, and to give fans something to salivate over.

    1. I wonder what panel they would show it at. The Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. panel?

  4. Karen Gillan did an interview with the Scotsman in which she says her movie training required her to eat more and describes the relationship between her and Zoe's characters as a sibling rivalry.

    1. Thanks! I'll put that in the next news roundup!

  5. First of all, I LOVE the name Galaxians. Makes me grin every time you say it. Secondly, the Agents of SHIELD cover thing is silly and frivolous, and I don't see it having the impact Marvel has got to be hoping for. It's just kind of "Why?" Last, I would be happy with anything at this point, for a production still. I'm ravenous for any little thing from this movie. lol


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