Leo Wyld's Flarkin' Awesome Giveaway

Cosmic greetings, one and all (Especially to our visitors from Marvel Heroes).  This is your Raccoonatic Commander Leo Wyld.

Yes, there is a giveaway (for US players only, sorry), but, before I get to that, I will explain why am I here, what I am doing, and maybe partake in a bit of shameless self-promotion.

(Expand the Article for Details)

I have been writing for this site for about four months now as an enthusiastic supporter of all things Rocket Raccoon.  This site has articles fairly frequently (if you are a Guardians fan, please bookmark/favorite), so some of those writings may be somewhat buried.  I will throw some links at you:

Introduction - This is where I introduced myself to this site and its readers.
Biography - If you don't know much about Rocket, you should really check this out (there are *some* spoilers)
Comic List - If you plan to read his comics, here is a list of his comic appearances (scroll down)
(Outdated) Marvel Heroes Review - I also did a bit not long ago about the most recent patch, this review, however, was from just before splinters were added.

And the series that gave this giveaway it's name, Flarkin' Awesome. There have been five segments in the series so far, each about a different aspect of Rocket Raccoon and the Raccoonatic fandom.
Issue 1, Issue 2, Issue 3, Issue 4, and Issue 5

There have been other articles I have written. I've broken a couple news stories about Rocket's accent being dropped and the potential retcon to his origins. I don't have those links handy, but, I believe, you can do a search of the site through a search engine, or just manually go back through some older news. I am not the only writer here and there have been some great things posted here in the past that you may like to see, anyway.

So, the giveaway.  A generous benefactor, who may introduce himself if he chooses, gave me a code for 2100 G's (which are the currency, bought with real money, that is used to buy things from the in-game store).  This awesome site has been such a great place to write, I thought I would use this opportunity to show it off to the Marvel Heroes players.

I'm going to keep this simple.  You have to be a US resident, I am told, to use the code.  Sorry, that's built into the code, I have no control over that.  If you do qualify, though, I am going to want you to post in the comments section and make sure to tell me your Marvel Heroes name.  I guess it does not really matter what you post, but someone on forums was asking a question about which I would be curious to hear some feedback.  The question, Would you ever consider prestiging Rocket to Red 60?  (You know *I* am)

I want honest answers.  I'm actually going to be using random.org to select a winner from the posters, so it does not have to be an answer that I like.  I will leave this open for one week to give people time to enter (I will pick a winner on November 24, 2013 at noon Eastern).  If you are reading this and do not play Marvel Heroes, it is free to play, so that gives you ample time to create an account and see if you would be interested in receiving some G's for it. Again, make sure to post your in-game Marvel Heroes name along with your comment. I will deliver the code by Marvel Heroes forum private message (although, I will obviously do an announcement of who won here, as well)

(P.S.: If you read any of my articles, you may see me reference the fact that Marvel is planning to retcon the fact that Rocket is a genetically modified raccoon. They want to see he is not a raccoon at all, despite the fact he, others, and the narrative specifically call him one many times in the past. Most of his fans are unhappy about this, so the Raccoonatic fandom is determined to deny such a retcon.  I've been using a hashtag on Twitter to "campaign" against it: #RocketIsARaccoon.  If you frequent Twitter, and agree with me on this matter, I'd appreciate if you could find a way to work that hashtag into a tweet. Also, regardless, feel free to follow me, I am Rocket Raccoon @raccoonatic )

(P.P.S.: There seems to be some confusion about the above parenthetical. The retcon I am referring to is not a variation in the cinematic universe, it is a plan to alter Rocket's origin in the 616, the mainstream Marvel comics universe)


  1. Tzeentch - Not a fan of RR. BUT i say this knowing nothing about him and having just bought some comics with him in it to check out. Looking forward to the movie as well.

    I would indeed consider prestiging him red 60, as he does look fun in game. Kills quick, turrets, and can summon a tree. That spells good fun right there!

  2. I have RR but i have never bothered to lvl him since he seems too underpowered to me. Maybe when he gets rework I will lvl him to 60, but prestige? I doubt I would do it with any hero. Just doesn't seem to be worth it in my opinion.

    On the side note I think it's an awesome thing you're doing so wanted to thank you!
    Oh and my forum nick is Gligorr

  3. DurynModinen - I am struggling to get RR past 20 right now. Can't see myself prestiging him at all before his rework. Hopefully after that! :D

  4. Beergoggles - wasn't a fan of RR until MH beta ..when I learned who he was. Going to follow you on twitter ..just to help out your cause. The movie universe is changing his raccoon origin, so how are you going to call him rocket raccoon lol.

  5. Uruno - Right now I'm trying to get all of Rocket's uniques at lvl 60. I might prestige after that. I don't know about going all the way to red though.

  6. meeps says: i'll 100% prestige Rocky up to red, though it may take awhile with all the other cool heroes competing for his attention. and i'm saving my first reroll for when he gets his signature/52 touch up.


  7. Jaffafox - if I prestige any of the heroes it's going to be Rocket, but I do want to play other heroes as well (at least Squirrel Girl and Nightcrawler), so it's a matter of how much time I end up playing MH before being distracted by other games.

  8. Texaclese - I'd probably eventually prestige him all the way to red, but I'm enjoying leveling everyone to 60 currently.

  9. Marvel Heroes Name: Valeriano

    I definitely plan on leveling RR to 60, but I do not think that I will prestige him once he is there. It's not just him either, I don't actually plan on prestiging any of my characters past the first level 60 because I feel that the rewards for the time spent currently do not match up.

  10. While the character is awesome, I haven't even prestiged my favorite, and main (Thor) and I have been with the game since beta. So it is highly unlikely, but I do like him a lot specially coupled with Groot.

  11. Funny enough I just got Rocket out of a random box. I wasn't thrilled, as most of what I'd heard from launch was that he was super boring until he reached near the end of his ability tree. I gave him a shot regardless, and I'm impressed. The automatic cannon, early access to Groot, and the summoned cannon are all fun and very different from my other characters. More people should give him a shot, and I'm sure the full review that'll come eventually will bring more dimensions to him. Will I prestige? Eventually, right now I'm trying to collect all the characters and play through their trees first. But it seems like a fun option to have when I run out of content.

  12. Bayloc

    I recently began leveling RR and I have to say that I'm impressed. I didn't expect much from him but his combination of utility abilities and being able to use guns and Rockets are really fun to play. I definitely plan on getting him to max level, and once I'm there I see no problem with prestiging him further :)

  13. Marvel Heroes Name: MrsValeriano

    I currently do not have Rocket Raccoon as a playable character but I am saving up my splinters to either buy him or Squirrel Girl, I'm a sucker for the fluffiness :). But, I've watched my boyfriend play him and I definitely plan on leveling him once I get him!

  14. Game name is Xevren, I have a 60 RR but no plans to prestige. I just don't like doing the leveling over again for any character.

  15. Neomonk – I'd prestige him if they increase xp gains but he wouldn't be the first one I'd prestige.

  16. Game name Chachy- I do love RR but I am to much of an Altaholic to prestiege ANY character to red. Heck i don't think I'll prestige any of them to begin with just because trying to stay focused on one long enough to get to 60 the first time is hard enough for me. been playing since day one with only a small break in the middle and highest level I have right now is 49 lol

  17. TheBestSpiderMan - I don't even have RR, so I don't think I will be prestiging him anytime soon! :P How about this- in honour of the raccoonatics here, I pledge to use part of the 2100 G's (if I win) to buy him!

  18. GrevenRache - With as many heroes on this game that I want to play, and the limited amount of time available to me for playing, I can't see myself prestiging ANYONE to Red60. I simply can't justify it.

  19. RR is one of the few heroes I don't yet have. I'm not sure I'd prestige him, but I'd definitely love yo play him to 60. :)

  20. Name in game: Uniclonus
    Kinda have to break down the question a bit.
    Prestige to Red 60? That's a no. I'm not planning to take any character through that. I just don't see the draw to doing it, plus I'm not one of those people with a 'main'.
    Prestige Rocket in general? Not as he currently stands, no. Don't get me wrong, I like Rocket, and I like his concept in the game, with the turrets and Groot. But as he is right now, it'd be too painful of a slog to do a prestige. Especially since I still need to get him to 60 the first time (I play around on too many characters). After he gets his re-work, depending on how it comes out I may give the prestige a go.


    No, he is too weak comparing to other hero.
    side note i wish they would buff RR like col now lol

  22. In-game name: XXXAmaranthXXX

    I don't currently have enough interest in the character to bother unlocking him, let alone prestige him to red.

  23. Well, I DO like RR. Even though I don't have him lol.;) I probably would try to prestige him, might take me a year but thankfully I don't intend to leave anytime soon, so why not! My in-game name is captainzolzonzu. Cheers!

  24. MH game name: KyRoZ

    I actually got Rocket Raccoon with my first random splinter and enjoyed leveling him to 31. Sadly, as he was quite underpowered, I haven't played him in a while. I know he got some good buffs lately though and I look forward to his rework. As for prestiging, I just don't see it with him or any of my heroes. I have 12 at lvl 25+ and am focusing on getting as many to 50+ and hopefully 60 as possible. However, I do see me getting him to 60 eventually and maybe even being my support hero of choice. Anyways, thanks for the contest and I'll definitely check out the site a bit, as I don't know a lot about RR lore.

  25. Marvel Heroes name: DoodleX

    I don't have RR but think he's cool. I'd like to get him someday if possible. I don't play a whole lot, so I doubt I will ever prestige any heroes.

  26. Marvel Heroes Name: Leloric

    I would not prestige RR to Red 60. It's nothing against RR but I wouldn't prestige any hero even my favorite Black Panther.

  27. Marvel Heroes Name: sirthom

    I dont have rr, but I am opening a new random box today. Wish me luck.

  28. Name: Brightwarden

    I don't really understand why they feel the need to retcon away his backstory - is it too complex? Is that somehow too tough for an audience to handle compared to all the other awesome craziness from the Marvel Universe that has been gradually introduced to audiences from one movie to the next. Struggling to understand why there's a need to mess with that.

    Anyway, in the game I don't have Rocket, though my wife just got him, so he's running side-by-side with Thor. Makes for an entertaining duo. I probably don't play remotely enough to want to devote that much time to Rocket, if I ever get him in the first place.

  29. MH Avatar: SolitaryCynic
    Would I prestige RR to red-level 60? I have no plans to prestige any of my characters. It holds no value to me for the sake of prestige. The only exception I can envision would be to play through with a friend who would be using a new character and there were no new characters that intrigue me to play through at the same time. In that case, I would probably prestige RR (of any character I currently have) to play through content again with my friend. Given that that would take, what, five separate scenarios to get to RR to red prestige? Probably not going to happen.

  30. MH Name: Frankimer

    I like Rocket and am SUUUUPER excited for the movie (Sorry I don't read many comics)

  31. Marvel Heroes name: BohemianRhapsody

    I have mixed feeling about prestiging anyone. Let alone someone like Rocket Raccoon who was a ttotal pain to level at early levels. Im just not seeing the appeal beind prestige in general.

  32. Howdy,

    As a general rule, I don't understand the appeal for the whole prestige thing (in any game). If the game is about feeding the loot urge, re-starting from level 1 5 times seems counter-intuitive (return to low credit loot repeatedly?). And, as others have noted, I'm much closer to an alt-aholic than a "only play a main". The rewards (nametag color changes, pets) do not particularly interest me, either. So, at least until I see a particular need, make mine unprestiged.

    I also don't currently own a Rocket Raccoon (though I do plan on getting him eventually). Rocket looks fun; it's just that I have no "pet classes" at the moment and some cosmics/uniques sitting in my STASH waiting on me to buy/level other characters that need to get equipped. I do plan on eventually getting all the characters I liked up to 60, especially once their reworks are done. Jumping from 40 to 50 for synergies is already quite a bit of work...

    So, how about them alien raccoons?


  33. MH name: Frostinferno

    Honestly not sure if I'll even bother prestiging anyone, so sadly I doubt I'll get RR to red prestige. Big fan of the little guy from UMvC3 though!

  34. MH Name: Pyrox

    I would not prestige Rocket. I just have to many heroes to level that I can't start over with one I've already done. I do love Rocket Raccoon. It's always entertaining to see what he is going to shoot next and with how large of a gun.

  35. MH name: Kooopa

    I like RR, but I haven't been able to get him yet. I enjoy being ranged characters so I'm bound to get him sooner or later. Not sure if I'll prestige because the idea doesn't appeal to me at the moment.

  36. Silvarian- I have to admit, I loved Rocket pre-dot fix but since then it seems like he has been put into the role of a slapped together pet class. Now if when his powers rework happens he happens to get a truly dedicated "guns" tree, I will be more than happy to shell out those last 10 levels (play with my level 60 chaingun unique for a bit), and seriously debate taking him through the prestige ranks, especially if he gets that ohh so sexy chaingun signature you keep asking for.

    Turrets just dont feel very "Rocket" to me, and thats the only reason I havn't gotten him to 60 nor have I seriously thought about pushing him through the levels again.

  37. As much as I love playing RR, I'm too much of an altaholic (kinda disastrous in this game, I know) to level him to 60 and prestige him, still need 1 60 to begin with >.>

    MH: Nasuradin

  38. Marvel Heroes Name: LilyMae

    I do own a rocket raccoon and I enjoy playing him. I don't know if i will ever prestige him or any other toon, but i am definitely planning on getting him to 60. I am looking forward to leveling my other toons to 60 first before i venture to prestiging them.

  39. MH Name: PieOhPah

    I was luck enough to have RR drop days before they did away with hero drops and he is one of my favorite heroes in game. With new characters being released monthly I don't know if I ever will get any hero max prestige. Maybe one day.

  40. MH Name: ReverseCowboy

    Hey Leowyld, great thing you're doing here! As far as prestiging Rocket Raccoon, I am thinking about doing it. I've had him at 60 for some time now. To be honest though, I could not see going through the prestige process more than one time with any hero in the game.

  41. MajorMe: Rocket was the character I paid for before the game came out, almost to lvl 60 now, I don't know if I'd every prestige with any of my characters.

  42. Iceyone :D

    I haz the furry at low level and will get to him when I'm done prestiging Gambit to red(my favorite color).
    How do we win these G's? I have A.D.D. :o

  43. MH Name: stevefonz

    No, I will not prestige Rocket. I'm not going to do it because I don't like the character or because I think he's underpowered. I actually find him a very complicated character to play. He has so many skills that are useful, and I feel like I need to be on top of all of them to get all his potential. I need 2 skill bars to play this guy. On the forums I see a lot of people say Cable is complicated, but Cable has nothing on Rocket Raccoon. Cable I will prestige after Asgard opens. I'm waiting for those extra skill points :)

  44. Iceyone :D

    I haz the furry at low level and will get to him when I'm done prestiging Gambit to red(my favorite color).
    How do we win these G's? I have A.D.D. :o

  45. MH Name: polargeist

    Just finished leveling RR to 60, thanks to the Loki respec bug, and was seriously considering prestiging him. Who knows if I will get to red though.

  46. Marvel Heroes name: RaynMaykr

    I don't currently have RR. He's one of the 5 I don't have. I will likely pick him up for synergies first, then if I like him take him further. I won't prestige at first as I'm focusing on Prestiging Jean Grey to red over time and getting everyone else to 60 at the same time.

  47. MH Name: Jadewolf

    I am good fan of RR was my 4th 60. I would pretige him to red but right now not much point in prestiging . so i probably only do it after his rework and after i get everyone else to 60, I have 13 60s so far. so maybe

  48. walkeneightyone - Not likely, I wouldn't even consider prestiging anything until I have everything to 60 and just HAVE to prestige out of need for something to do. I'd likely go with an AoE heavier hero for prestige though to try and get more kills/credits farmed while doing it though.

  49. Nocturne - I'd honestly be unlikely to prestige anyone, as I don't level terribly quickly as it is (that's a personal time management issue, not a game issue). The idea of starting a character over from level 1 just isn't appealing to me.

  50. NOWL

    I do not have Rocket Raccoon on my Marvel Heroes roster nor am I a fan of the prestige system so prestiging (is that a word ?) Rocket Raccoon to red is not a possibility on two counts. I do happen to own Issue #271 (Volume 1) of The Incredible Hulk that marked the first appearance of Rocket Raccoon. As proof of that I submit the following from the splash page of said issue.

    "Now Somewhere In the Black Holes of Sirius Major There Lived a Young Boy Name of Rocket Raccoon!"

    I have no way of certifying that this is Google Free information but I hope my word is good enough.

  51. MH name: Shiroi

    At this stage of the game, probably not. As much as I love a character, I don't like to play the story again and again, especially when we have so many to choose from! If only they unlocked all the waypoints at the beginning, then maybe :)

  52. I am not sure I will prestige any of my characters, but should I reach a point where I feel I have opened up all the synergies each of my heroes would use, I would prestige the rest. I have RR, he is in his 30s, getting him that far was painful for me but I do plan to level him to 60 and perhaps higher through prestige past there. I love RR & Groot and have his chase I just am not sure there's a benefit to prestige right now and RR seems too underpowered to me compared to some of my other heroes.

    MH: Narwhaj

  53. No...I will not prestige any heroes. I only have 1 level 60 hero: Lady Deadpool. And it is just too much time. I have all the heroes and plan on getting every one that is released, so I have my work cut out just leveling these up.
    I enjoy all your comments on the forum Leo. This is not to win the prize. I just wanted to comment here
    Yin ;)

  54. In game name Nefariousrage
    I have a level 60 RR and have thought of running him more just have not got to it yet will do more i think with his rework.

  55. ShotgunSunrise - I never knew about RR before I started playing Marvel Heroes, but once I found out about him I became ecstatic to say the least.

    I will definitely be leveling him to prestige 5 in the future because he is just a furry ball of fun to play with.

    Him along with many other heroes I never knew before have become key interests in my life now.

    I think I am not the only one when I say, I can't wait to see Guardians Of The Galaxy!!

  56. In-Game Name: RyuKaiser

    Honestly? Maybe. I don't want to say outright no, I do enjoy releveling characters that are fun, and I know if I ever cap out all the current characters (most are nearing 40, a few at 50, 1 at 60), I'll be revisiting old flames. I don't even have Rocket, so I can't say where he stands to me, though he does look very fun. I'm hoping for more buffs to his weapons abilities, since it seems the build to be now is to have turrets, and quite frankly, I want to wipe away half the screen with a continuous beam of energy...

  57. fritzvonerik - My Rocket is at lvl 25 but I have no interest/time to prestige any hero really, let alone to red status. I think Rocket is an interesting character but he's low on my list of priorities at the moment so he's likely stuck at lvl 25 for a while.

  58. In game name: Brewe
    I don't think I could prestige any hero, regardless of power level. When you finally get a hero to 60, the game revolves around getting new gear. Starting over again does not sound entertaining to me...

  59. Hipsydipsy - I wouldn't Rocket Raccoon because I'd rather level other characters to 60 as well. I will definitely get him to 50 though. Rocket's passive bonus gives 5% damage and 5% pet health which is awesome for any of the summoners.

  60. CommissarSCV-

    You know I'm all about the steel curtain but if RR's rework includes some awesome tech like the Thanos buster I'll give him at least the green treatment.

  61. This is epicpopcorn here, and I haven't really played him since beta, I read a few comics he was in though, and he seems like a fun character. And my answer is no. I wouldn't. I wouldn't prestige anyone in the game because honestly leveling again is so time consuming, I wouldn't even prestige Spider-Man (my personal favorite).

  62. I'd probably not prestige RR, not cause I'm not a fan, but there are just too many characters I want to play!

    Awesome giveaway you're doing here, and thanks to the person who donated the G's :).

    -Drazhar (MH name!)

  63. Honestly RR is fun but without his review i dont think its worth a red prestige. Although my RR is only level 43, I do enjoy playing him and he is my main pet build hero. Since you are a hardcore RR fan, I say prestige 3 times and leave the red at level 1 and finish it once RR has his rework and you'll love him x10 more. Just my opinion.

  64. oops i'm the guy above, Forgot to say my MH username. I'm wizdumb

  65. ingame name Obiyoyo

    rocket raccoon is one of two characters I actually payed money for. he's an amazing support character and has several abilities that add to groups. as far as prestige, he's one of the few I would consider going prestige with. I've been holding off from prestige incase they add more reward or reason to do so in game. as it is, a starter costume and a colored name just aren't worth the time needed to re level any character.

  66. MH name Extocus

    I probably won't consider prestige until I see how the rework is going to change him.

  67. Marvel Heroes name: SecretStash

    I have recently started playing Marvel Heroes and Rocket Raccoon was the first character I bought with splinters because I am a big fan. I wish I could have picked him as my starter character instead of Thing. I even got the RR coffee mug and plushie doll from Comic Con!

    Would I prestige him to red 60? Yes, because I already planned on it along with giving him the first legendary item I can purchase.

    1. My first reply here. I just had to say you are so lucky to have that mug! (I've got the plushie but I probably want that mug more than anything else in the world right now). If anyone reading this ever finds one somewhere (that doesn't cost hundreds of dollars), please let me know.

  68. Marvel Heroes Name: Halloween

    I actually haven't been able to find information on this whole "prestige" system, but I would definitely be interested in doing it with several of my characters, including my introductory character, Rocket Raccoon. :)

  69. I am saving up some splinters to buy Rocket Raccoon and I didn't plan on getting any character to red prestige but if you group with me on your Rocket Raccoon, I will do it.


    RNGesus is also my Marvel Heroes name.

  70. I would not be prestiging RR to Red 60, because I won't be prestiging any toon to Red 60, not worth the effort imo, not with new heroes coming out every month.
    -Dendallin (MH Name)

  71. @lesliesfbay is my MH name, and I look forward to picking up RR with splinters shortly. I'm looking for a companion toon to my daughter's Squirrel Girl.

  72. That's a good question. My highest character is 45 right now, so I'm still a ways out from prestiging. I'll have to try it once to see how I feel about it.

    -Kheldarn (MH Name)

  73. I don't particularly plan on using the prestige system at all. Just not something that appeals to me. I wasn't a huge fan of the original incarnation of the GotG. After reading the semi-recent resurgence of the Marvel cosmic line, I became a fan. Star Lord and Rocket were two of my favorite characters to come out of that.

    Side note: I don't have Rocket in game yet, but he would be a purchase if I won! I am Bucke in Marvel Heroes.

    1. You might be happy to know that Starlord is confirmed as coming to Marvel Heroes. (I'd imagine next summer)

  74. mh name unknownking i like RR but not enough to red him lol

  75. have yet to see a real reason to prestige any Hero. I'm happier with all my synergy bonuses from having multiple heroes at 50 and above.

  76. Game name: Caravaca
    To answer the question no way I'm leveling RR to red 60. Not prestiging any character so no bias. RR isn't on my list of fav's, haven't tried him yet though I do plan to try him. Trying them usually means completing main story (lv 25 or so).

  77. Hey Leo! TracerBullet here. Keep up the red prestige madness, ran into yuo in a mid 30s MM the other day.

    I personally don't think I'd prestige ANY character, as I just like alts too much and checking other characters out. As for RR, I haven't played him in a while, and I doubt I will until we get more keys available. He just has too many tools and toys for the current set up, especially considering how I use the hotkeys.

    I can't wait for that UI upgrade though, and I hope it comes before or with RR's rework. He was the first thing I purchased in game because a space racoon with laser pistols just sounded awesome. Looking forward to playing the little guy again.

    And regarding the upcoming RR retcon, from the point of view of someone who doesn't know the comics at all but really enjoys the current Marvel Cinematic Universe, I won't mind it. I'd like them to keep him the way he is in comics for his devotees there, but whatever makes the movies works better is what I hope the movies do. Depending on how they work with the story in GotG it just might take way way too long to try and explain Halfworld and all that other stuff that I only know anything about because I went on a deep Rocket Racoon info dive after I gained interest in him based on marvel heroes. I was not thrilled about the Bradly Cooper choice because I felt he should maintain his accent, but I trust Marvel Studios based on their work up to this point. Comics Rockey will be Comics Rockey and Movie Rockey won't be able to change that at all.

  78. Chrismoke

    I love Marvel Heroes' gameplay so prestiging Rocket to Red Rocket is a no brainer! As far as denying retcons though, I honestly can't recommend it for your sanity but we all do what we have to do in comic fandom. Peter is still living happily with MJ in my head.

  79. I don't think I would prestige Rocket Raccoon to red... at least not for a very long time. Gazillion has done a great job with the new heroes they've release, and the updated/reworked heroes. There's so many that I want to play, I couldn't prestige anyone right now.

    Game Name: Nephs

  80. I purchased the Rocket Raccoon pack before the game came out, and I've considered him my "main" ever since release. Between him and Deadpool I'm not sure who I love more, or which I may decide to work prestige with first, but I do think it could be fun to replay him along the levels again, just kinda as a fun memories of the past thing.

  81. Rivele: I would prestige him just don't know how far, it is alot to do it once let alone more then once.

    want to see what his rework is like i want to play him and seems like fun, just undrpowered in ways right this sec.

    but wanted to say this is cool what your doing and good luck to everyone.

  82. MH name: KelpPlankton

    And no, at least, not currently. While Rocket is fun to play at higher levels once he's fully kitted out, I find leveling him to be a pretty tedious process. Groot being lowered to lv10 was nice, but that alone is not enough. I'm looking forward to his rework though.

  83. Marvel Heroes name: UnderpantsGnome

    While RR looks pretty interesting, I'm kinda holding off on playing him til he gets his rework.

  84. I don't have RR, but if i got that could I know that I'd play him all the way to 60 and then again!
    MH: Xyle

  85. Marvel Heroes name: GatorSixCharlie

    I will not prestige Rocket Raccoon, only hero I have prestige so far is Spiderman so far, with the current way prestige works I find it not worth the time to simply get a name color.

  86. Marvel Heroes name: DarkflareOmni

    I don't have Rocket Raccoon, but I've always thought he's an amazing character. I don't like the fact that Marvel is dropping the accent. I feel like it's what gives him flair and originality. I'm super pumped for the GotG movie, and I can't wait until they add more members to the game. Also, I know Captain Marvel is going to be joining the GotG, but who's the other person? It looks like Cable to me. That would be really interesting.

  87. Marvel Heroes name: Wickiddino


  88. MH name: Medren

    I'm gonna echo what the other altoholics said, I doubt I'd prestige any hero. Love RR though, and can't wait for the movie!

  89. In-game name: HitiKun

    Rocket is a pain to level to 30, but its gets better after that (might be better now that you get groot at an earlier level). He's also a really good boss killer, although he can struggle with trash mobs. I havent played him since the blue/gold mobs health revamp...im assuming that hes going to be even slower at killing. He doesnt really suit my playstyle, so Im not a fan. Getting him to red prestige would be about as fulfilling as stabbing myself in the ear with an icepick....but it WOULD be an achievement to actually do it.

  90. My 1st Prestige will be Spidey if I can't hold out for Gambit. :3

  91. Marvel Name: Fluffywalrus

    I don't have Rocket yet but ever since they announced the GotG movie I started looking into it a bit and I gotta say, I love the idea of a Raccoon with a rocket launcher. They definitely need to keep him as a raccoon and not retcon that. Also, he needs to keep the cockney accent.

  92. Name: jagrattlehead

    I would maybe prestige him, but right now I still need to get any one of my toons to 60. I do enjoy playing as RR, so it could happen.

  93. Let me first say Leo that I always see you in the social chat, and I really respect how well you handle all the prestige questions you get and your love for RR.

    Marvel ID: Breenns

    I know almost nothing about RR. A friend of mine was really pushing me to pick him up because he is a huge fan of his and told me some of his story. So I've been super excited to learn more about him, and your write ups on here may help me do that.

    But for the question, I do not have any plans to prestige him up at this point - unless I fall in love with him later.

  94. It really depends. I haven't played Rocket yet( although my kids want me to). Once I play him, if I enjoy him that much, then maybe. But my favorite character is Deadpool and I haven't prestiged him yet. Leveling to 60 takes too long without boosts. In-game name: Iceddemon

  95. Name: Arbuckle

    Still hoping to get RR from a random box. As for prestige, I wish they'd add some sort of extra incentive. I have a hard time reconciling going back to a characters feeble beginnings for such little benefit.

  96. Name: DarthTaco
    Haven't played Rocket yet. I'll probably get him eventually. Cool site, btw.

  97. Name: Lykonis
    I usually duo with a friend and we avoid buying the same characters. He owns Rocket so I never bought him, but his general play style seems pretty cool. The voice acting seemed quite well done--rather funny--which is important for long term play for me at least. It's unfortunate how few I see around though.

    I'm generally not interested in prestige no matter the character. Unless I absolutely love a character--gameplay included--I likely wouldn't do it. I'm an altoholic though and still don't have a 60 even though I've been playing since early start.

    Also that retcon sounds absurd. Rocket Raccoon not a raccoon? Loses the accent? Now an alien from generic planet X? I don't even read the comics and that still annoys me.

  98. Name: DravisDarlock
    Rocket Raccoon is the only hero I would consider going to red prestige with. The main reason I haven't yet (and possibly won't be able to ever) is because I also play pretty much every other hero in the game. Good luck with the site and thanks for the give away!

  99. anyone think we will be seeing the other guardians any time soon? Apparently there is a movie coming in august.

  100. Nikmis

    I haven't heard to much about RR, but if I get the code I'll use it to give him a shot.

  101. My Marvel Heroes name is "Kaegrin". I PM'ed you the other day about Rocket Raccoon pointers and you were super helpful!

    You sir, as always, fo our beloved Rocket proud!

    Also, hell yes I'd prestige, especially since you can get Groot at an earlier level now!

  102. I have RR at about lvl 40. No interest in prestiging him. My marvel heroes account name is bbtrpt.

  103. Name - StuPickles

    I honestly have no interest in prestige with any character. I'm currently focused on getting every character to 50 for the synergies. Though I'm not a fan of RR, things could change with the movie. My interest in the GOTG movie is increasing very fast and possibly may be a fan in the future! :)

  104. MH name: jonathanyts

    haven't tried rocket raccoon yet but my friend and i play together and he has RR and i think he is pretty awesome! Go Groot too!

  105. I'm not sure I'm ever going to prestige... I mean, it's a LOT of work and I have a short attention span. But if I were going to, I'd probably pick Rocket as the one to do it with.
    Marvel Heroes name is XyzzySqrl ... and SERIOUSLY? Not a raccoon? That's ridiculous. It's as bad as Hepzibah not being skunk-like.

  106. Heh Ive always been curious about him but not enough to buy. The code would push me over the top :)

  107. PowderedIocane - I have RR and just got the Raccoonatics Unique. RR is fun to play, but I sometimes feel like I take a back seat to Groot, seeing as he simply does more damage. And I don't know if I'll be prestiging any of my heroes.

  108. Sageofsixpaths ----- honestly I just started looking into rocket raccon as I knew only x-men and avengers stuff. His comics seem pretty awesome, and when I do get him I may prestige after I finish Iron Man, but ill stop at the purple prestige level because purple is my shit ><

  109. ChewbaccaOnIce in MH, I just want to get RR so I could even consider prestiging him, and those G's would sure help me get RR and his chase costume when those come out (how cool is that thing??)

    Thanks for doing this, and as I've said on the forums before, love your pieces on RR can't wait for the next FA!

  110. IGN is Kyosokun, and can catch me at the same name on gmail. And honestly, I probably wouldn't prestige Rocket Raccoon. Too many heroes to spend time on as it is. The level 60s I get I'm keeping XD At least in the forseeable future. But, DEFINATELY a Raccoon.

  111. MH Name: noahthecaptain
    I actually haven't got him yet, but I like RR from the comics, so I could see myself prestiging him, in time.

  112. MH Name: mastershakez

    No, only because I never prestige in any game. Once I hit a level cap, the last thing I like to do is start from level 1 again.

  113. CapnSensible-I would never prestige any heroes. I would much rather farm uniques, credits, HoD, Odin marks. I just don't see the value of prestiging, aside from extra costumes for the 3>1 recipe, but it's just not worth it to me.

  114. FreshJB

    I will definitely prestige Rocket, although it will take a while as my main is alt (no main). Rocket, however, is one of my favorite characters to play so if i last long enough to prestige to red, Rocket will be among the first.

  115. This is SecretStash and I redact my entry because I was banned for the forums.

  116. Masakist - I would possibly prestige him if the fun factor was there for him. I had a blast when I first leveled him to 40, but things have changed since then. I havent prestiged anyone yet, so I cant say that RR would be the guy if I did. But, when I do level him to 50, and if I have enough fun getting him there, it is definitely a possibility...

  117. Marvel Heroes id: goyanks

    I don't own RR yet, but I don't plan on prestiging any character at this point. I'd rather play different heroes to 60 first.

  118. Marvel Heroes name: morbes

    Lets get real here. I got RR out of a random box and the only reason I am leveling him is for the Pet synergy. I am up all night to get Loki afterall...

  119. MH Handle : Quintessence

    I run dual Rockets with my brother and it's a total blast! Only thing that bugs me is our Groot's used to have different colors, not they both seem to be the same (black with red).

    I think my main motivation to prestige RR is so that I can claim the title of "Biggest Rocket Raccoon Fan Ever!" before you do Leo Wyld!!!! "snicker"

    You better get there first Leo, I'm right behind you and gaining!!!!

  120. This comment has been removed by the author.

  121. IGN: Zeron

    I have him at 51 right now. Prestige level red....eeekk I have like 3-4 others I'm gonna prestige eventually. RR is on the list....just a bit lower than some of faves (HT, Spidey, MM, Cable)

  122. Marvel Alias: JBOKU

    I just got RR about a week ago. I've leveled him to 14 and enjoy him because he has a unique play style. I do wish he was faster (I just came off leveling Cable to almost 60 and got spoiled by teleport). Leveling any char to 60 more than once has not intrigued me, this includes RR. I still have a few other chars I want to get to 60 (RR Included) before I think about re-leveling someone. I do enjoy the leveling process but with Gazz adding so much more uniques / artifacts / etc.. all the time it makes me want to stick with my higher level chars and not start over.

    As for the marvel movies, I love them but yes, they can stray far from the lore and because we're such a visual generation, the movies often "trump" the comics and even in some cases cause them to change the comics :/. More people watch the movies than the comics but the hardcore fans know the truth :P.

  123. Marvel Heroes Name: rlhoose
    I Love Rocket Raccoon! Right now I can't see prestiging any hero but who knows maybe in the future. Thanks for the great promo!

  124. Marvel Heroes name: ctcrow

    Takes too long for me to get too 60 the first time nevermind 5 times.

  125. Selecting a character for me in MH has multiple facets. Lore - are the comics something I do/have read? Would I read them? Captain America/Deadpool are my favorite lore characters. SG/RR are fun characters that I read sometimes. So yes I would love to play RR :). Next would I prestige a character? This is totally reliant upon the character itself in MH. I have prestiged Deadpool because he is by far my favorite MH character (as well as being one of my favorite comics). RR would be a fun one to prestige for the prestige itself. RR does not appear to have the fan base that many characters (Ironman? :P) have. Being a max prestiged RR would actually have respect from players such as myself!

    -- anaentheboson

  126. MH Name: FrodoFraggins

    I don't own RR yet and unfortunately I probably won't for a while simply because of his synergies. I'm unlocking heroes based on synergies at the moment and only at a rate of one a month.

    He looks like a lot of fun to play and I'd love to have Groot.

    I only plan on prestiging my main hero Hulk. It's possible I may prestige a second hero for PVP.

  127. Marvel heroes ID: asteroidjawa

    Prior to Asgard, no way cause pre-groot was kind of a chore. Now, if I do prestige a character it'll be Rocket. Cause I'd be curious to see how Groot performs in the early game.

  128. Marvel heroes ID: Hardknox - Ultimate pack owner, haven't played RR since beta. He was fun but I doubt I could prestige him to Red...but time will tell

  129. Marvel ID: Beorc

    I think I would now that they moved groot to 10 it would be smooth sailing! Also helps that they did all the sweet turret changes.

  130. It would depend. Since I haven't had access to him yet I would have to judge from guess work. If I really enjoyed him I would prestige to red, but looking at his skill/talents I most likely will not get him at all(unless I random him, I'm still new to the game).


    I don't like his voice work, and he doesn't seem fun to me, so I won't be buying him despite owning almost every characters\

  132. I def plan on leveling Rocket up to 60. I am currently working on Scarlet Witch but hes in my qeue with a couple other heroes the I plan on leveling up after her.

    Rodsteen-in game and forums name.

    Thanks and good luck everyone!

  133. account= vikram
    i already have rr level 60.. dont wanna prestige him until his rework because he is really weak at low level but if i had more time i would definitely try

  134. account: NotoriousBIZ

    I don't think I would ever prestige any of my characters. So its nothing against RR, just not my thing.

  135. Fatswimdude here:

    The most I would ever prestige Rocket is twice. Once to try a turret build, and then again to get back to a more aggresive BFG build.

    That being said I love playing the character, I find him very strong, and if I only had more time, I would definitely get him to red.

  136. account:qiemosi

    hopefully not to late to join up =P

  137. Marvel Account: TeejayMac

    I'm not a big fan of ranged characters, I'm a melee guy through and through so I don't even have Rocket Raccoon in my roster. May give him a try some day if I end up getting him from a random box but I doubt I would ever prestige him, and honestly I may never prestige any of my characters.

  138. Marvel Heroes Acct: Duganson

    My very good friend LOVES RR and claims that he was the most fun to take to 60. On his word alone I will eventually get RR, on you and the D'ast Raccoonites word I will prestige... AFTER he gets his review.

  139. I got him to level 37 he's OK so far ign adrasto

  140. mh name : unknownking i have no plans to prestige anyone never mind the little furry one lol

  141. Meataxe - Trying to get this in under the wire (apologies, been at Wizard World Austin!). While I have decided to give RR a try, to be honest I don't know if I will prestige anyone all the way to Red 60. I will be awaiting his rework, as I'm not sure exactly how I'd spec him (but he does have some interesting uniques!).

  142. MH Name: TheKEG

    I am not going to prestige anyone until all my characters are at least 50, which may or may not ever happen.

  143. ID - Squiddytron - My long term goal for the game is to red name every character. Rocket would be one of the first I would do so on. I've wanted to play Rocket since closed beta.

  144. Timleo - Rocket Raccoon was my starter pack! I love him, but once I get him to 60...I think I'll want to keep him there haha

  145. LodeZedder - I don't have RR yet and I keep hoping every time I randomed that I get him. Anyways prestiging RR and in fact all heroes I own is a must for me at least once since I'm too poor to buy costumes ;) Tho I agree with thekeg that i'll only start prestiging once most of my roster are over L50 to manage odin marks better.

  146. Doggerz - I doubt that I would prestige RR to Red 60 because I've already done that with Storm. It was painful enough doing it once :P I am quite interested in RR though, and want to play him at some point. Not sure if I'm a fan of his turret system. I did recently pick up Loki for his 5% dmg to slowed targets synergy at level 25 (my Storm likes that a lot!). And Loki uses something similar to turrets when he summons his stationary clones. RR looks adorable (he would smack me for saying that), and I want to pet him (again...smack).


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