5 Characters I Hope Appear In GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY

Greetings, everyone! As a longtime fan of the Guardians of the Galaxy, it's an honor to be contributing to this site. I'm Dan, and as you'll see over time, I love random discussions, and I love making lists for others to debate over.

As we get closer to the release of the film debut of our favorite team, more and more questions come up: What will Rocket's origin be? Will Nebula and Gamora have the same ties to Thanos that they do in the comics? How will Yondu fit in? But one question that I find intriguing is one that we tend to ask anymore going into any new MCU film: who will cameo?

Face it: this movie is ushering in an entirely new setting for the MCU. Unlike other movies, it can't depend on any groundwork layed down by the other films. Meaning there's going to be a LOT of new characters introduced. Sure, we all know by now who the main characters in the movie are. But if Marvel/Disney is as serious about the future of this franchise as they seem to be, it would be ridiculous to not at least cameo or hint to some characters that could have bigger roles in future movies.

That being said, here's my personal list of who I would love to see appear in the GotG movie, and why.

5. Mantis

In my opinion, a vital part of the team in the previous volume of the comic. She provided them with a powerful telepath, as well as with a calm and rational thinker (which, face it, they sorely need). Sadly, I also think this is the one we're least likely to see, as the writers will likely scoff at having two different green-skinned females in the movie. It sounds ridiculous, but let's all admit it: that's how these people think. Still... it would be great to see her on the big screen. Maybe in a sequel?

4. Cosmo:

Another that we're VERY unlikely to see, even in a sequel. However, Disney has high hopes for Rocket going over well with audiences, so who's to say that we couldn't get a small glimpse of Cosmo somewhere just in case they're able to utilize him in the future? Come on folks... a hyper-intelligent, talking Russian dog in a cosmonaut's uniform? and he does have, in his favor, the fact that he's got a huge cult following among fans. Yes, I'm serious

3. Angela:

Possibly the most marketable character on this list. A stunning, redheaded, scantily-clad warrior angel? She could be a franchise unto herself given a good enough story. Roughly 90% of us thought this was who Karen Gillan was cast as until her role as Nebula was revealed. A simple glimpse of her in the background could lay groundwork for a future star in the MCU. If Marvel is as serious about this becoming a franchise as we're hearing, I wouldn't at ALL be surprised to see at least a hint that she exists.

2. Adam Warlock:

I would say this is both the most likely one, as well as the second most important one. We all know by now that the MCU is heading towards an Infinity Gauntlet storyline. Some characters that were involved in the comics (Silver Surfer, etc) obviously can't be included due to their film rights being owned by other studios. But while he's important to the plot, even the Surfer isn't necessary. But if Marvel is going to do this story even partially like it's comic counterpart, there's one character that cannot be left out of this: Adam Warlock. He's also been a member of the Guardians in the past, and is as important to Thanos' story as Nebula, Gamora, or Drax. Some people are saying they think Warlock's cocoon is briefly shown in the mid-credits scene of Thor: The Dark World, and it would make a lot of sense if that's the case. Warlock emerging from it would make a fantastic ending to the film.

1. Iron Man

The single most important cameo needs to be Iron Man. While this might seem like an odd choice for number one, think about it: This film is going to be a hard sell to the casual fan. The fan who doesn't read the comics, but just likes the movies is *not* going to look at this movie and say "Oh yeah, this fits in with The Avengers". You need some way of tying this film in with the rest of the MCU aside from the fact that it deals with an Infinity Stone. What better way to do this than with a cameo by the character who's arguably the offical face of the MCU? And on a purely fanboy note... I'd give anything to see the hilarious banter between Tony and Rocket on the big screen.

Do you agree with this list? Let me know! Do you disagree? Then please, tell me who YOU'D like to see cameo in the film! This is the film we've all been waiting for, fellow Galaxians. Let's enjoy the ride!


  1. Quasar
    Ms. Marvel
    Vance Astro
    Silver Surfer
    And yes there needs to be an Avengers/MCU connection: Coulson and Brand, SHEILD meets SWORD meets Guardians.... or maybe Thanos will be the connective tissue, and the gems of course

    1. By Quasar, do you mean Phyla-Vell? If so I'd actually prefer her as Martyr, just because she wouldn't have to have the baggage of the Quasar name. Carol Danvers would be phenomenal, although I suspect they're saving her for an Avengers film. And as I said elsewhere in this thread, I can't believe I forgot about Major Victory. He'd be the perfectl conenction!

    2. I would be good with any Quasar, but yes I meant Phyla-Vell. I have a feeling Yondu is going to play the role that Victory did in Vol 2, maybe giving them the GotG name too.

  2. Great job on your first editorial Dan! I agree with all of your picks, although I'd replace Angela with Bug. He's one of my favorite characters from Volume 2.

    1. Bug was pretty awesome, I'll give you that. I just love the dynamic between Angela and Gamora. Also, I admittedly have a major thing for gingers.

  3. I hope Iron Man appears too. But I have a feeling he won't appear until GOTG 2 since he will be dealing with Ultron on Earth.

    1. I wonder if AOU will feature any elements introduced in GOTG?

  4. Vance Astro shows up from the future with Cap's sheild: instant MCU connection. That was one of the first comic moments that helped me connect GotG to the rest of the MU. Side note: if you are not reading Uncanny Avengers, it is awesome and some major cosmic players were just foreshadowed in the last issue

    1. I'll have to check out Uncanny Avengers. Haven't read any of it.

    2. You know, I never even THOUGHT about Major Victory. You're right, the shield would be an instant connection. Good call!

  5. Cosmo should be what Nick Fury is to the Avengers. Show up in the main movie and cameo in any solo films that might come out of GotG.

    Super-Skrull and Richard Rider I would love to see.


    1. You don't even know how much I would love that. Right after Rocket and Quill, Cosmo was my favorite character in Vol.2

    2. Cosmo would be great. Unfortunately a dog in a space suit with a Russian accent is going to be really hard to pull off...but it can be done!

  6. While it wouldn't make any sense and I know for a fact won't happen, I would love to see Beta Ray Bill somehow.

    1. Great idea. An Annihilators movie would be awesome. Sold!

    2. I could see Beta Ray Bill appearing in Thor 3.

  7. Replies
    1. Don't we all! I'm about 50% sure we'll see him in GOTG, at least in a cameo or reference.

  8. I still hope we see signs of S.W.O.R.D. in the movie

  9. "Angela"
    "Iron Man"

    Stop with the Bendis crap pls

  10. Replies
    1. I don't so much think that people hate Bendis, I think it's more just his approach to the comic. I can only speak for myself here so I'm not generalizing in the least, but Vol 2 of Guardians Of The Galaxy is hands-down one of my favourite comic series of all time, and I was a much bigger fan of that than any of the other comics they have adapted thus far. When I found out they were relaunching along with Marvel NOW! I was a little apprehensive as although I do enjoy the Marvel NOW! stuff (Infinity was one of the best stories I've read from Marvel in years) it is clearly aimed a little more at the movie audiences.

      The issue I have with Bendis' stuff is that I find it difficult to believe Iron Man's involvement is for reasons other than just trying to snag newcomers who are beginning to read Marvel comics after seeing the movies. Like I said, I've been a fan of Guardians for a long time, and Vol 2 has a very special place in my heart, but I remember telling people about it and they weren't interested. Then Vol 3 comes out and they see Iron Man in the artwork and all of a sudden they're interested and the buy and read it, but then once Iron Man leaves they stop buying them again. Guardians Of The Galaxy should be about the Guardians Of The Galaxy and not the guest-stars. That's just my opinion on it.

      The Vol 3 comics are pretty good, although a far cry from Vol 2 in my opinion, but for me it feels like the Guardians are being forced into the shadows of their guest-stars. My attitude would be that people should be reading Guardians Of The Galaxy for the Guardians, not Iron Man. And same goes for the film, too. I've never been more excited for a movie than I am GOTG, and with that in mind, I want people to come and see this movie for the Guardians, not for a possible Iron Man cameo or something. Don't get me wrong here, I don't hate Bendis or his work in the least, but I do just think that throwing in big names like Stark is distracting from the actual team itself. That's just my two-cents on the matter.

    2. I was a little disappointed when I heard Abnett and Lanning weren't returning with Volume 3 but Bendis has done an admirable job. He's kept the tone and the sense of humor well intact. And yes Stark was most likely brought in to boost readership but who cares? GOTG is my (and probably your) favorite book but it's never been a HUGE seller, so if Tony puts a few more butts in seats, all the better. And Bendis has used him very well without ever letting him overshadow the team; I'm still laughing over "Hey Stark, you know we're watching you right now, right?"
      I think Angela is the much more awkward fit. And she was also OBVIOUSLY put in to boost sales..."We're gonna put Christina Hendricks in the series here aaaaand....we're not gonna really clothe her."
      But jokes aside, neither of them has taken anything away from the Guardians and no matter who cameos in the movie there's no way Marvel will let them distract from GOTG proper. Although I'm sure there will be a few big connections. Ultron has played a big part in the Guardians saga also so I expect there will be quite a few threads to the Avengers.

  11. There could be some surveillance footage of Iron Man defeating the Chitauri (the end of the Avengers film), and the the GOTG see the footage and go "That guy is from Earth? Hmm...I guess the planet isn't defenseless. We need to get a hold of him."

    But yeah, Angela and Adam Warlock, definitely. Maybe Jessica Chastain can play Angela?

  12. I for one would be very much opposed to Iron Man having a cameo in the movie. At the end of the day, as much as I love Stark and Robert Downey Jr's portrayal of him, I think that the focus of a Guardians Of The Galaxy movie should be squarely on the Guardians Of The Galaxy, and not one of the big names from the MCU. Throwing a character like Iron Man in there simply to draw in the crowd would result in nothing more than people coming to see the movie simply for that cameo, and as a fan of GOTG for many, many years now, I think Marvel should have enough confidence in the movie to let its protagonists stand on their own two feet.

    Aside from that, I definitely do agree with Adam Warlock and Cosmo. I've got my fingers crossed for both of those guys.

  13. Good list folks, Cosmo and Nova are likeliest, and Mantis would be great,, but Ms. Marvel sent as a SWORD agent who gets transformed is easier to imagine.


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