GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY Comic News Roundup: 5/6/14

Greetings Galaxians! Sorry for the long pause since our last update! Even the life of fan bloggers gets hectic (believe it or not). There has been a couple pieces of Guardians of the Galaxy comic news items since our last post, including a new solo comic for one of our characters...

  • Marvel has announced a solo Star-lord comic, beginning in July of this year. The title is Legendary Star-Lord and it is being written by Sam Humphries with art by Paco Medina. The writer had this to say about the series: "The book is going to be Peter's adventures away from the Guardians. ... I like to call him the original outer-space scoundrel -- he actually pre-dates Han Solo. He likes to fight, he likes to flirt, he flies by the seat of his pants." Check out the cover art for the first issue (by Steve McNiver) on the right!
  • Marvel has also released cover art for Guardians of the Galaxy #18 by Ed McGuinness, as well as an awesome variant cover by Alex Ross. This issue will be an Original Sin tie-in issue, which will finally answer a question that has long been on fan's minds: 'What happened to Richard Rider, Thanos, and Starlord in the Cancerverse?'  
Check out the covers after the jump!


  1. Beautiful artwork. Can't wait to find out what happened after the end of the Thanos Imperative. Miss Rich Rider!

  2. Yeah! Richard Rider! Hell yeah!!

  3. In other news, James Gunn posted on his Twitter that the next GotG trailer will be released "not too long" from now.

    Also, I hope Richard Rider isn't dead.

  4. I also thought Richard Rider was the best Nova. I think it would be interesting if he was somehow brainwashed by something in the cancerverse, leading him to fight the guardians

  5. I hate that smug grin Thanos has on his face. Having Richard Rider be the big baddie is still pure speculation but is a strong possibility and why many of us long-time Classic Nova fans are very concerned. I'd much rather have both Rider and Alexander exist, with Rich acting as a mentor, resuming the role as Nova Prime, and Sam as the new "Kid Nova". Have Rich continue be the "intergalactic space cop" while Sam stay closer to Earth. The Many Angled Ones were severely injured at the end of the Thanos Imperative but I read somewhere that either in Avengers Assemble or around the final issues of GOTG Vol. 2 that there was one Many Angled One that managed to escape to our universe and hid somewhere on Knowhere but Quasar(Wendell Vaughn) was able to defeat it (barely!) and send it back to The Fault. Could be that this same being may be involved and had struck some deal with Thanos. Quill looks guilty of hiding something so he may have done something regrettable in order to escape back to our universe and also get younger in the process. Those involved at Marvel already mentioned that Rich will be back but not the way we think...or want. All we want is Rich back safe and sound and continue doing waht he had been doing. Abnett and Lanning did say they left Rider's (as well as Quill and Thanos) fate open so that they could continue writing where they left off when Marvel decided to bring the 3 characters back. Instead, Marvel went ahead and allowed Jeph Loeb's plan on using his own version of "Nova"come to play, first as part of Ultimate Spider-Man and then go into his origin in a new solo comic book series. After Thanos' surprise cameo in the Avengers film, Bendis was given the job to write GOTG his way after it had become a box office goliath. At least James Gunn and Marvel Studios went with Abnett and Lanning's crtiically-acclaimed version of GOTG and not Bendis & Co watered down version, LOL.

  6. Am I the only one who thinks that Thanos looks like a seal in this issue?


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