UPDATED: Photos Revealed of Michael Rooker as Yondu

UPDATED: More photos from ContactMusic after the jump...

Thanks to The Superficial, we now have photos directly from the set of "Yondu's Crash" in Bramley, Surrey, England.
The photos seems to feature Yondu walking away from crash site, looking a little roughed up. One thing missing is Yondu's red mohawk, which may be added on digitally during editing.

One thing is for sure. Rooker looks great in the role. Post a comment below and tell us what you think of the pictures. Also, check out the rest of the pictures after the jump!


  1. He looks so much better than I was expecting him to. I wasn't expecting him to look bad or anything, I just didn't know if they'd be staying close to the source material or just doing their own thing, but he looks fantastic!

    1. I am curious to if he will have a red mo-hawk. Maybe it burnt off in the fire. haha

    2. Totally agree, this is awesome. I WORRIED they were going to stay too close to the source material. While I have nothing against the character, I just don't think it'd translate well onto the big screen. But I'm really happy with this. Awesome!!! Is it next year yet!?

    3. Its not a mo-hawk. Its a Fin.

      Likely they will be using CGI unless he lost it in battle

  2. What happened to his red mohawk?

  3. Looks fantastic. I wonder if this is on Earth and maybe he crashes there and finds Quill as a kid?


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